Sim Dynasty

League Information

Mookie Wilson League
Last game played: Sun Sep 30 05:38:02 PM Eastern Time
League Schedule
League Rules
League Forum

TeamOwner*PM   Email AddressTeam NotesLast ActiveOwner SinceRenewed?
  Anaheim Dragons awasp69 awasp69 Playoffs 2059, 2067, 2077, 2080, 2081,2094,2096. AL Champs 2060,2061,2063,2065,2079,2082,2085. WS Champs 2062,2064,2066,2068,2083,2084. (09-30-2018) 10-06-20182054No
  Boston Brewers Dumbwop Dumbwop looking for quality not quantity (09-25-2011) 01-17-20232009Yes
  Kansas City Monarchs texas2step texas2step Willing to deal (08-31-2016) 01-31-20212072Yes
  New York Pioneers Bunkman Bunkman World Champions: 2014, 2041 (03-21-2014) 10-21-20182003Yes
  Oakland Bears trudis trudis (03-04-2013) 08-21-20232029Yes
  Seattle Volcanoes kyleturf30 kyleturf30 (10-24-2014) 09-29-20182052Yes
  Toronto Cats swd4647 swd4647 (02-07-2016) 06-20-20182083No
  Washington Capitalist PHSbaseball24 PHSbaseball24 (MWL/WRL)- WS Champs 2093,2094,2095,2096 (09-30-2018) 10-18-20182090Yes
  Arizona Aztecs Trammell03 None (06-16-2012) 02-05-20182014Yes
  Atlanta Juicier Quarter Pounders Shazam Shazam (10-10-2013) 10-01-20182093No
  Brooklyn Cyclones Mapps1 Mapps1 14-Time World Series Champs- 1988,1990 DYNASTY-2042 to 2047,2059,2078,2079,2082,2090,2091 (05-04-2018) 08-01-20232035Yes
  Los Angeles Riot APHunter89 APHunter89 (01-07-2018) 11-26-20242076Yes
  Milwaukee Scalawags natedally natedally New Owner Making Moves (07-05-2017) 10-01-20182082Yes
  Montreal Golden Xs MakDudeluv MakDudeluv 06-21-2065 (02-23-2016) 06-20-20222088No
  New York 1969ers Apps24 Apps24 10 time, World Champs- 1970,1972,2018,2022,2023,2038,2039,2040,2065,2087..... (01-04-2018) 10-22-20181950No
  San Francisco Slammers carlyaz© carlyaz Always interested in trades. Send me something that might be worthwhile. (10-26-2016) 11-14-20182091Yes
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