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Stlouis The Minor league team of the year!

March 08, 2012 at 12:19PM View BBCode

Check out the Black Sox roster.after sending all his players to NY in their cheating trade,the BlackSox owner put everybody else on rest.These two owners have reached new lows.Congratulations on your both should be very proud of the team you combined to produce.And the dirt that you left behind in St Louis.I vote for the St Louis/NY Congressmen as the minor league team of the year.WE are all very luck to be here to learn how to combine your teams and take cheating to a new and lower level.:rolleyes:what do u guys do for a living?Ripoff elderly people or strong arm robbery?Whatever it is the two of you deserve each other.Maybe next season just name your teams the same.BlackSox does fit.:lol:

[Edited on 3-8-2012 by bradford101]

[Edited on 3-8-2012 by bradford101]

Get a life 2...

March 11, 2012 at 04:52PM View BBCode

Dude, I really think you ought to get a hobby, too. What, are you like 10 years old or something? As far as an unfair trade goes, who did it help? The NY team lost, and I am set up for the future. Dude, you didn't even make the post season:lol:... What do "you" do for a living? Are you aware that this censored is MAKE BELIEVE? None of of is REAL? Just because I didn't make a stupid ass trade with you you got jealous and "ratted" to the admin about cheating? Are you retarded? The trades you offered me were lopsided as hell. You're a moron and you need to grow up. I moved players up and added players with better mentoring to get my younger players better... do you even know how to play this game and develop your players, or do you do like the Army Ants and just trade for talent? Jack Ass!!!

March 15, 2012 at 11:11PM View formatted

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nice!You do show your real talent every time you open your mouth.So let me get this did a trade and gave away all your stars...and took talent for the future..???that was with a month and a half left in the season..?I might add the third were setting yourself up for the did that work out for you?All the players you were DEVELOPING,did you bring them forward for the next few season?Anger management will help(maybe)but I suggest that you refresh yourself on the rules...or maybe you just forgot there were only 3 seasons...that probably happens a lot with far as making the post season...I forgot where did you end up?Oh that's right you did that work out for u?Keep up the good work...after all someone has to be in the cellar...oh yeh!The comment about the army ants... He won it quit and gave away your team..and we need to refresh our selves on the rules...all Ive ever hear from you is personal attacks,all Ive ever seen from you is keep up the good work!!

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