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Default Sort Order for Amateur Draft

June 09, 2009 at 04:58PM View BBCode

I've made a change to how the Amateur Draftees are sorted by default when they are generated.

I'm trying to get the default rankings close to how I, or a good experienced owner, would rank a draft class. Here's the numbers the default sort order will use:

Vel: 16, Control: 31, Endurance: 5, Throws Right: 1, Youth: 45, Health: 2
PvR: 21, CvR: 10, PvL: 9, CvL: 5, Speed: 4, Youth: 45, Health: 2, Arm: 2, Range: 2

In addition, if a pitcher has Velocity of D+ or below, or a batter has Contact vs R of D+ or below, he will be penalized. This should move down players with a "bad split". For every point below D+, the player will lose half a point of Control or Power vs Righty when Abe is deciding how to default sort the players.

If you'd prefer to use your own settings as the default sort, you can set this up under Edit Profile, or you can simply click the button at the top of the draft rankings page to resort the draftees based on your settings.

There are 2 reasons I did this. Hopefully this will help people take less time to rank Amateur Draftees, and hopefully it will help newer owners with Talent Evaluation.

Let me know if you have any questions about this - hopefully the explanation is clear enough.


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