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Total posts12481
Last postOctober 28, 2009 at 04:29AM
LocationBellingham, WA
Note: Signature is unformatted so it can be copied easily to the new forum with formatting intact)
[size=1]\"Oh my god. It\'s like sport for you, isn\'t it? Backing logically inconsistent positions until we get bored with telling you how stupid you are. Why the censored do we even talk to you? You\'ve never gotten a blow job, have you? I mean seriously. You couldn\'t have. It\'s not possible. There is no way any man who\'s had sexual relations of any kind with any woman would ever act so dipshitishly immature.

I think I can say, with honesty and accuracy, that I have left dumps in the toilet less worthless than you. And I\'m sorry I said that because you\'ll probably run straight to the crapper and dump one so you can take a picture and post it so you can claim I made that up and have no idea what I\'m talking about.

F*cking A, man.\"

--[i]Duff, Lord of the Butters[/i][/size]
Mood7 days....

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