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Profile for blucy2

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Total posts1619
Last postMay 14, 2009 at 06:26PM
Note: Signature is unformatted so it can be copied easily to the new forum with formatting intact)
Brian L.

[size=1][color=green]Active leagues[/color]
[color=Purple]1964 - present[/color] [url=]Mordecai Brown League (Edit)[/url] - [url=]Chicago Roid Rage[/url][color=Red]WS champs 1976, 1979[/color]
[color=Purple]1950 - present[/color] [url=]Hal Chase League[/url] - [url=]Kansas City Kruk Nut[/url]
[color=Purple]1983 - present[/color] [url=]Orlando Cepeda League[/url] - [url=]Chumps (AAA)[/url] [color=Red]WS champs 1989 (A), 1990, 2011 (AA), 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 (Majors)[/color]

[color=blue]Retired leagues[/color]
[url=]1970-2006, Babe Ruth League - Brooklyn Catastrophe team history page.[/url] [color=Red]WS champs 1993, 1990, 2006[/color]
[color=Purple]1950 - 1966[/color] Al Simmons League - Brooklyn Ogres [color=Red]WS champs 1958, 1959, 1961[/color]

My historical home grown all-career team. * signifies active player.
SP: *[url=]Bo Baracus[/url] 7 CY, 395+ wins.
SP: [url=]Joe Getraer[/url] 6 CY in OCL, 7 WS rings.
SP: *[url=]Wilbur Wood[/url] 2 CY, 335+ wins
SP: *[url=]Eric Fallon[/url] 2 CY, teammate of Metlzer.
SP: *[url=]Bill Metzler[/url] 3 CY, career ERA of 2.50.
C: *[url=]Ray Laydon[/url] A+ 100 in every non-pitching category. [url=]8 MVP\'s[/url]
SS: *[url=]Fred Williams[/url] 8 MVP\'s
3B: [url=]John Baker[/url] 2 MVP\'s, 3531 Hits:
3B: *[url=]Paul Parish[/url] .960 OPS. A pure hitter.
OF: [url=]Craig Stallard[/url] 11 time MVP, 50/50 club.671 HR\'s.
OF: [url=]Bobby Hash[/url] 3317 Hits, 824 SB. [/size]
MoodNot Set

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