Mo Vaugh League looking for an Owner
September 18, 2008 at 12:39PM View BBCode
Here is the team: [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/depth.jsp?teamid=63197]Angels[/url]
It is an old team that has a season or two left in it then will need to go into a re-build. The team has all of it's future draft picks.
This league uses a wieghted lottery system to determine the top 3 picks in each draft.
It is a good league full of good and active owners.
Since we are early on in the current term the price of the team will be for the current term only, it will not include an automatic renewal.
u2u me if there is an interest in taking the team.
September 18, 2008 at 01:46PM View formatted
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Also, if you renew the team for the next term you will get a $10 Sim Dynasty credit at that time that you can use for your other teams.
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