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Poll: What should be the punishment for Steroid use in MLB?
Two year ban for first offense.9
Life time ban/zero tolerance.3
None. Put a bucket of roids in every dugout.1

What should be the punishment for Steroid use in MLB?

March 03, 2004 at 02:19AM View BBCode

So, when it's learned who's doing what, what should MLB do about it?

March 03, 2004 at 02:23AM View BBCode

2 year ban for the first offense than a lifetime ban for the second offense, and if alot of guys are found to be using them than just ban them for life on the first offense.

March 03, 2004 at 02:28AM View BBCode

I think the 2 year ban followed by a lifetime ban is Olympics policy, I think.

I'm leaning to zero tolerance.

March 03, 2004 at 02:33AM View BBCode

public floggings with 40 lashes per flogging. It is the only humane way

March 03, 2004 at 04:12AM View BBCode

I say send them to the Betty Ford clinic, then have them hold a press conference announcing how terribly sorry they are...
It works for celebrities. Besides, in this day and age, the only unforgivable
things anyone can do are murder and rape, anything else would be forgiven if the person seemed contrite enough... :rolleyes:

March 03, 2004 at 04:16AM View BBCode

Rape is becoming forgivable. In a few years, celebrities will be able to kill eachother at will without any consequences

March 03, 2004 at 04:19AM View BBCode

Let's hope so, there are some celebrities I'd love to see go all
'Beyond Thunderdome' on each other...:P

March 03, 2004 at 04:36AM View BBCode

A year of grace period, for everyone to get off the steriods and get their lives and careers back together. After that year, institute mandatory weekly/monthly testing for all players in every clubhouse with the penalty of lifetime ban for testing positive.

March 03, 2004 at 06:47AM View BBCode

A lifetime ban for a first offense is a little too draconian. A one year grace period, I agree, and then at least a one calander year ban for any offense, and eventually a lifetime ban, either for second or third offense. I don't think this should be drug policy across the board. I don't mind giving cocaine addicts a few chances to clean up, since it can be hard. But a drug that's purpose is to enhance performance...that's gotta be dealt with much more seriously.

March 03, 2004 at 03:54PM View BBCode

First punishment shouldn't be too harsh. Something like 2 weeks or a month, second punishment should be for a whole season.

March 03, 2004 at 04:53PM View BBCode

What is a real joke is what they have now... Treatment, for steroids? Come on!!! Reminds me of that scene in Half Baked, when Thurgood goes to Narcotics Anonymous, so he can stop smoking weed, and they were all like, "addicted, to marijuana?" and Bob Saget was all like, "Marijuana isn't an addiction, crack cocaine, that's addiction... you ever suck d**k for marijuana?" Can you imagine that support group?
Seriously, I like the two year ban, followed by lifetime. I think there should be a minimum of two random tests a month as well. No treatment, and contracts can be voided for violations... After the ban, a player is treated like a rookie again, with the former team having the rights. This way, if a guy has a big contract, he loses his money, and can't be a free agent when he comes back into the league.

March 03, 2004 at 05:33PM View BBCode

I believe a 2month ban for the 1st offense, then a year. After that if there that stupid it should be a total ban. Of course the major leagues will still let them back in (Steve Howe).

March 03, 2004 at 06:08PM View BBCode

it gets expensive to test them a lot...

Anyway I'm for a two year ban(and testing upon readmition) followed by lifetime. Any other drug they should just fine since they don't do anything to corrupt the game of baseball, just the people using the drugs.

March 03, 2004 at 06:20PM View BBCode

i completely agree with u, nextyearcubs. they should definitely lose all their money if they are found to be positive.

March 03, 2004 at 11:37PM View BBCode

A two year ban seems kind of harsh. After 2 years away from the game, i wouldn't be surprised if a player never regains his top ability. I'm not saying that steriods should be condoned, but maybe like a one season ban to start off and then elimination from baseball.

March 04, 2004 at 03:47AM View BBCode

2 months, then 2 years for a second time, then life banishment sounds good to me. If they try again after the 2 month one the 2 year should teach them. Although personally, I think that a life banishment for steroid use is more fair than Pete Rose being permanently thrown out of baseball for betting on his own team. No I don't think gambling is right but there's no penalties unless you're in sports, which isn't right. No I don't think Pete is a super human being, his running over that friend of his in a game that didn't matter was highly uncool, but given the fact that he played harder to win than probably any baseball player in history you can almost understand. At any rate, I'm not going to cry if some steroid-using phony gets his butt kicked out of baseball and his records dropped from the books (my name is Bonds, Barry "Balco-convict" Bonds). :D

[Edited on 10-10-2007 by jzyehoshua]

March 04, 2004 at 04:30PM View BBCode

How about they forfeit their salary for the past 2 seasons, but can keep playing the first time, and then the second time they get 1 year off, and forfeit all their salary they have made since the last time they were found doing steiroids, and third time is lifetime ban.

People who do steiroids are mostly about getting money. Hit them where it hurts, take the money away that they made because of steiroids.

March 04, 2004 at 06:16PM View BBCode

the olympic rules have a 2 year ban first offense and lifetime for the second offense. that is a good system and i think thats how it should be. not this dumb ass treatment stuff. the mlb has basically no penalty for the first offense.

[Edited on 3-5-2004 by skierdude44]

Pete Roses numbers wer not inflated because of synthetics, Steroids are alot worse for baseball numbers than gambeling.

March 04, 2004 at 07:03PM View BBCode

Who knows how far out of whack the records pages really are? Maris held his record for 40 years and all of a sudden here is McGuire,Sosa and Bonds? All at the same time? I think steroids have tainted the records forever. If they are found positive their numbers should be removed and they should be banned for life. They are cheaters! Let John Doud investigate this one.

March 05, 2004 at 02:29PM View BBCode

Just start a steriods league...
That will solve it!

March 05, 2004 at 03:42PM View formatted

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Yeah, really. Purge all their records, they've ruined baseball more than anything Rose did. He finally did get into the Hall of Fame though, did you hear? Unfortunately it was the wrestling Hall of Fame :D He did 3 wrestling matches in 99 and 2000 I think it was and somehow got into the Hall of Fame for it. Anyway, I liked Happy's suggestion too. So take all their records (which were never earned fairly) and make them pay a good chunk of money to keep playing.

[Edited on 10-10-2007 by jzyehoshua]

March 05, 2004 at 03:47PM View BBCode

Hey Skier?

What does 'gay ass' have anything to do with the steroid issue?


March 05, 2004 at 08:49PM View BBCode

im saying that it is just like letting them off the hook.

March 05, 2004 at 08:56PM View BBCode

Well I kind of gathered that...

I just wondered what 'gay ass' had to do with anything about letting someone off the hook as being a negative thing?

Not that these boards should be policed and stuff, but I guess its a pet peeve when people use 'gay' to mean stupid, dumb, idiotic, etc...

Would you prefer that everytime I called something stupid I instead said, that is so 'skier ass?' Or perhaps I should use your ethnicity, whatever that might be? Or your family name?

Hopefully you get my point.

Carry on

March 05, 2004 at 09:13PM View BBCode

i changed it. i get ur point and i really should have thought that out better before hand. sorry.

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