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Big Red Machine

June 24, 2010 at 04:48PM View BBCode

Is it to early to get emotionly involved? I follow the team as close as I can. Not sure I want to start thinking they'll make the playoffs to soon. Probably wait till the end of July if they're still in striking distance.

June 24, 2010 at 09:01PM View BBCode

I bleed Red.


Cut me and it comes out Red.

Musta been born a Reds fan or something.

With Volquez looking good in his rehab start it's toying with my emotions. Could you imagine a strong Volquez added to the rotation? Harang might be the odd man out, but at a time like this, it might be good for him.

June 28, 2010 at 01:27PM View BBCode

Harang should be the odd man out. He's been so/so ever since that Padres game (2 years ago?) were Dusty destroyed him. Where does Homer Fit back in? Much less Edinson

I'm just hoping that Rhodes continues to do a Dennis Eckersley 1990 impression and never does realize that he's the journeyman Rhodes.

Keep Rolen healthy and Votto outta the Psch Ward and I think we have a chance.

June 28, 2010 at 05:08PM View BBCode

Huge reds fan here too. Bengals also.

Dusty should be fired.

June 28, 2010 at 07:21PM View BBCode

I'm ok with Dusty for the moment. I just fear he might 'Mark Prior' Mike Leake and we can't have that. But so far Leake seems to be a strict pitch/inning count.

July 01, 2010 at 05:45PM View BBCode

I think Dusty will not be allowed to ruin any more young pitchers. And why should he be fired?

July 04, 2010 at 02:29PM View formatted

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Shall I direct you to redlegnation for all the various reasons? I admit I am surprised he has this team playing at this level. I think we need a SS who or a couple more bench guys with playoff experience

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