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A poor batting average/OBP should offset counting stats for ROY Awards

September 23, 2010 at 10:53AM View BBCode

And bad ERA/WHIP should offset saves for FOY awards. It looks really bad when a ROY award would go to [url=]this thing[/url] as opposed to [url=]this one[/url].

(I know we spend too much time debating the qualifications for awards, but this is the most egregious award I have noticed recently.)

[Edited on 9-23-2010 by thatrogue]

September 23, 2010 at 03:11PM View formatted

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Hi Darren,
ABs count as negative points for batters for the ROY. You can see the formula in the game guide. Perhaps the penalty needs to be increased. This has the effect of weighing rate stats higher.

FOY is a formula created by MLB. We just follow that formula.


September 23, 2010 at 03:46PM View BBCode

So if this is the ROY formula: RBIs + Total Bases + Runs + Walks + SBs - (SO *.25) - (CS * 2) - Errors - (AB / 8), it seems like ABs are penalized slightly to normalize the effect of more PAs on counting stats...but severly deficient ratios are not penalized at all. In real life, an extremely low BAvg/OBP/OPS is going to carry some negative impact in the minds of voters. Similarly, a high BAvg/OBP/OPS is going to resonate positively with voters.

In the example I posted, I can't imagine any scenario where Sherman should beat out Delgado for ROY. I'd propose that we tweak the AS/ROY formulas to include the important ratios in some way.

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