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Most-accomplished ideascale user gets to cherry-pick a change

November 27, 2010 at 01:43AM View BBCode

I think whoever has gotten the most accomplished on ideascale (other than Tyson) should be rewarded by choosing his/her favorite enhancement and having that one become a priority. According to Ideascale's "Top Contributors" page, the winner is me (ha), I've had 5-6 ideas make it through to the game, so the change that I want, that I think is the most important change, is this one, currently sitting at a fat -7 on ideascale:

It's a sensible idea that Tyson likes. I don't understand why people are against the idea of more information and the ability to follow the action more clearly.

November 28, 2010 at 04:01AM View BBCode

Unnecessary. Most people don't even watch the games.

November 28, 2010 at 07:04AM View BBCode

I agree with the idea of adding that extra line of text (I do watch the games), but I don't necessarily think the most accomplished ideascale user should choose any change they want. That said, I would want to see the idea that you would choose be implemented

November 29, 2010 at 05:58PM View formatted

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the part about the most accomplished ideascale user was a joke, i just can't understand why people hate this idea so much. Res that's fine and I understand that some people wouldn't care if this was implemented or not, I just don't understand the people that actually vote against it as if enhancing the game somehow diminishes it.

November 29, 2010 at 07:18PM View BBCode

It isn't a high priority for most of us. That's all.

November 29, 2010 at 07:46PM View BBCode

still, no reason to vote it down. there's no rule that mandates a vote, if it's not a high priority for you, it shouldn't be a high priority to vote against it. For me, Dynasty Vision is the thing that sets this site apart from other sims (I wouldn't be here without it) and I just want it to be clear what's happening in the game.

November 29, 2010 at 09:02PM View BBCode

I agree that it is unnecessary. But I disagree it is unnecessary because "Most people don't even watch the games." It is unnecessary because it is implied.

November 29, 2010 at 09:15PM View BBCode

but it's not implied until it's too late. I would like to know if my runner has scored or stopped at 3rd before the game suddenly ends with a double play.

December 01, 2010 at 01:22AM View BBCode

if you're talking about runners on 1st and 2nd with one out, and there is a GIDP, the runner cannot score. he is counted as a LOB, and is stranded at third. see rule 4.09a:

December 01, 2010 at 01:53AM View BBCode

That's not what he is saying at all. He is just talking about adding a line saying "Player X stops at 2nd" when there is a single with a man on first, or the same thing with a man on 2nd.

December 01, 2010 at 04:10AM View BBCode

Exactly, in the situation you described Kingturtle, it's understood that the runner on 2nd stopped at third. In the situation(s) shawn described, in DynastyVision currently, the next line could either be "Player X advances to third" or "Player Y flies out to left". We don't know if the previous play is over or not. We don't know if guys are still running around the bases or if the next batter is already in the box.

December 02, 2010 at 06:32PM View BBCode

oh i see. i get it. it makes sense now. instead of "Mike Earle singles.
Kevin Bigbee advances to ______ on the hit." being on two separate lines, it should be presented as a single line.

that way you know the play is over and the next batter is up. now i agree with the suggestion.

December 02, 2010 at 09:47PM View BBCode

awesome, we're gaining support, we're up to -5, lets keep hope alive

December 10, 2010 at 01:39AM View BBCode

I believe [url=]this game[/url] is an example of what you are talking about. Down 1, bottom 9, runner on 2nd. Next batter singles, instead of showing what happens to the runner on 2nd, the next line of text is a game ending double play

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