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Milton Bradley tirade

June 02, 2004 at 06:53PM View BBCode

Did you guys see this?

June 02, 2004 at 07:00PM View BBCode

had to read it twice to figure out they took his equipment lol... thats crazy

June 02, 2004 at 07:09PM View formatted

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I saw the replay on sportscenter. If you thought Lou Pinella was bad you aint seen nothin yet. What was it about anyway? I dont think that Bradley even saw a pitch that at bat, but I could be wrong. Anyway that guy is outta control.

June 02, 2004 at 07:22PM View BBCode

It was funny to see him take off his equipment and then throw the barrell of balls on the field.

5-game suspension is coming.

June 02, 2004 at 07:44PM View BBCode

Click the link on that story for the video and you can watch the whole thing. Possibly the funniest ejection I've ever seen.

June 02, 2004 at 07:58PM View BBCode

Umpires crack me up. The homeplate umpire kept baiting Bradley until he snapped. The 2nd base umpire came in and grabbed Bradley's equipment that he took off on the field and, after the game, refused to return saying "He left it on the field for us." Umpires are there to control the game, among other things. I think it is shameful when they cause problems. Sure, they are only human, but they can come off the high-horse with that "doing our job" line. The egos and power-trips are unreal. That being said, Major League baseball players are some of the most spoiled, infantile people on the planet. Really not a good mix of personalities.

Getting back to the equipment thing, I want to be an umpire now. Every time a player drops a bat or one of those shin protectors, I'll pick it up and keep it. Every time a player or coach throws his hat in disgust, I'll grab it. I'll start a memorabilia shop.

June 02, 2004 at 07:59PM View BBCode

I was rolling on the floor when I saw that. I still don't know why he was fighting in the first place, hopefully the article will tell me. I'm going to read it now. Wasn't he the player who nobody wanted because of his reputation for being a trouble maker?

June 02, 2004 at 08:05PM View BBCode

after reading the article it appears like the umpire started it. He should have kept his mouth shut and let Bradley blow off steam in the dugout. None of this would have happened if the ump didn't say something first. Was bradley out of line? of course. But the ump is just as guilty for saying something first

June 02, 2004 at 08:06PM View BBCode

Haha. That was so funny. I didnt know that they were gonna keep the equipment away and that was the reason he threw the balls out all over the place. Thats so funny.

June 02, 2004 at 08:13PM View BBCode

It's a power trip. How come the umpires can do whatever they want and the players get suspended whenever they're out of line. If Bradley gets suspended West should as well. Both of them were out of line.

June 02, 2004 at 08:22PM View BBCode

That is true. Umpires are just as responsible in some situations. They are just as responsible if they instigate and cause a fight or a display like that as a player is.

June 02, 2004 at 09:39PM View BBCode

i saw it. I completely blame Craft for starting it, although Bradley went over the edge

"When he came to the plate, I told him he had better think twice before yelling at me from the dugout. Then he went off on me and I ejected him."

June 02, 2004 at 10:24PM View BBCode

Bradley was being a big baby. He's one of the biggest jerks in the game (behind Rocker and Everett).

June 02, 2004 at 10:27PM View BBCode

he has an incredibly cool name and does funny things (even though he may be an asshole). He is an incredibly cool player. I wish the expos had never traded him.

June 02, 2004 at 10:49PM View BBCode

Haven't watched it yet, but before I do... Let's not forget umpires are human too. They get a little angry sometimes and do stupid things. And besides, umpires take a lot of crap they don't technically have to. If you argue balls and strikes, by the rules, you're gone. But most umpires will let you have your say. The story says Bradley was arguing a call in his third inning at bat, complained about another call from the dugout later, and then got tossed before he saw a pitch in this sixth inning at bat, after the umpire warned him not to complain anymore. So the ump had something of a point, it seems. The irony is that in the third inning, when he first got upset, HE SINGLED IN THE AT BAT. So perhaps Bradley needed to chill.

June 02, 2004 at 10:58PM View BBCode

The ump still had no right to steal his equipment, regardless of who was wrong. Stealing is stealing, as funny as it is :lol:

June 02, 2004 at 11:19PM View BBCode

Bradley shouldn't have left his stuff out there. He was being a total moron. If he is going to act like a 5 year old and not pick up his own stuff, the umps have the right to take it away.

June 02, 2004 at 11:21PM View BBCode

I used to hate refs/umps but ever since I started my new job (coaching and refereeing youth sports) I have gotten a new found respect for umps. Everyone wants everything to go their way, and if it doesn't it is crap. I mean with some people the only good call you can make for them, is a call that you totally miss in favor of their team.

The pro refs get almost no resect and if Milton is able to lash out, why isn't the ump? The reality is they should both be proffesionals and niether were. The ump is no more to blame then Milton is in this and many situations.

I could keep going but I have to go to work. My team has a game so that means I have some refs to yell at :rolleyes:

[Edited on 6-2-2004 by andrew]

June 02, 2004 at 11:24PM View BBCode

No, the umps don't have a right to steal. Even if it was left out they should have just made the team take his belongings back to their clubhouse. Nowhere in the job description of an umpire does it say "May steal if player acts like a 5 year old". Bradley was out of line but no matter what do the umps have the right to steal.

June 02, 2004 at 11:31PM View BBCode

No where in the job description of a baseball player does it say "may act totally irrational and force the umpire to be your personal maid." An umpire should be allowed to confiscate equipment if there is a good reason. Don't give me that.

June 02, 2004 at 11:39PM View BBCode

Again none of that matters. Stealing is stealing. The reason doesn't matter, it's still stealing and stealing is always wrong. I don't care if a player acts 10 times worse than Bradley did, they still don't have the right to steal. Two wrongs don't make a right

June 03, 2004 at 12:13AM View BBCode

"He left it for us, so I took it," said West. "I'll call the office (of Major League Baseball) and see if they want it. If they don't, I'll return it. He attempted to embarrass the umpires."

Doesn't sound like stealing to me. Sounds like an irrational act prompted by a completely irrational situation, which happens. It's kind of like if some guy who's pissed at me throws a bunch of stuff on my lawn, and I take it inside, am I really stealing it? It's primative and territorial, but we're human beings and things like that happen. Is it right? No. But I withhold crucifixion of West because I can see myself acting irrationally when somebody is throwing stuff on my lawn. And at least when West got a hold of himself he realized he needed to return it... Even if he does need to call the office of major league baseball to play it off (which is kind of chicken s---, if you ask me).

June 03, 2004 at 05:29AM View BBCode

This is just one of the many things that makes baseball so great, to me. I enjoy a good conflict from time to time, and without animosity, baseball gets BORING! Don't get me wrong: I love playing, I love the game, but it at times gets dull when it doesn't seem like anything significant is happening.

And these kind of things lets you know that baseball is alive and kicking, even if it is something as unnecessary as this.

I see this as that instance comparable to when some skater tries to grind a rail and busts his nuts on it. It's one of those things you don't hope happens but it's funny as hell when it does (if it doesn't happen to you).

June 03, 2004 at 06:07AM View BBCode

The arguments are part of the game, but I think the umps have a much shorter fuse these days. Bradley deserved the ejection, no doubt about it, but what I see more and more are umpires baiting players... I think they do this when the see the game getting out of hand and want to rein it in, so they show their power. I remember a game last year in which a Cub (probably Alou) was pissed about a called third strike, and showed it visibly, but he was walking to the dugout the whole time... The ump followed him to the dugout steps, and ejected him before he left the field. Now this guy may not have liked the call, but who the hell was that ump to follow him to the dugout? The ump baited him, pure and simple.
Baker and Wood got suspended this year for "inciting fans"... total crap if you ask me. The umps have an ego and don't like being second guessed. I hate when fans throw garbage more than anyone else, but that is a stadium operations/security issue, not a baseball issue.
The way I see it, its indicative of a larger problem, players not respecting umps and umps going too far in response. The way I've always played ball, and seen ball games, players don't argue calls, managers do. Too many players take it upon themselves to argue with umps, but its not their job, its a manager's job. Maybe that's old school, but things worked better that way. A manager ejection is much easier to live with than a player... I think Bradley really let down his teammates and Dodger fans with this one.

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