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COMPTON winz..........COMPTON winz...........

February 06, 2013 at 10:15PM View BBCode

COMPTON iz yo fitty 2 champion fo realz................COMPTON

February 16, 2013 at 07:15PM View BBCode

OK... let's go over this post.Looks like he does know how to Spell his name...5 points.Then there is a little trouble.The word "Is" is spelled "Is ",not Iz...IZ is not a word in this language.NEXT..."Yo"?I think what he is trying to express is..."your". ..Maybe he just ran out of thought process and passed out before the third letter.BUT LET's Move On..."fitty"? Yeh this is just basic math..."fitty Could be a word but I'm sorry it's not!!!I suggest maybe using the numbers the numbers until Compton reaches the second grade.Sort of like...52...I think if he will practice this could be done within 5 to 6 years Congratulations!!!! We have a word Spelled right!!!Champion is correct!But followed by 2 more attempts at communication... "fo and realz"...not in the language...But let's give credit where credit is DUE!!! He spelled his Name right!!Compton is making great progress and we hope for a first grade diploma by the year....?Who knows?Let's not put pressure on the self Proclaimed" Chump of Fiity 2..."fo Realz".....:yawn:

[Edited on 2-16-2013 by bradford101]

February 17, 2013 at 05:34PM View formatted

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every1 here get da feelin' dat dis clown haz sum deep seeded issuez an a serious inferiority complex?.............COMPTON agreez...............COMPTON

February 17, 2013 at 11:21PM View BBCode

There is only one clown and that is you.I agree you do have some very deep issues and none have anything to do with seeds.Please get some help.I find it interesting that "The Compton clown" learned how to spell for the topic "not really sure why anyone would protest".Also it''s fine when Rickey Henderson refers to himself in the third person,but when you use it it falls into the pattern you have established.One of "pure entertainment,thanks Compton clown,Dazzle us some more!:o:rolleyes:

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