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rebuilding doormats have a nice day for a change!

April 10, 2003 at 12:59AM View BBCode

My re-building Funksters had a huge game today in the Beta league...nice to see that my kids finally learned how to swing the bat a bit!

Nice game

April 10, 2003 at 01:14AM View BBCode

Pitcher gets a CG ShO also, great game all around.
I wonder if there is any correlation between the number of runs a pitcher gets as it would affect his chance to throw a ShO.
It seems that with 15 runs a pitcher would have some kind of a letdown where
as a 1 run lead would make him consentrate more. Never heard anyone discuss that before.
Anyway.......hell of a might turn the whole thing around for you.


April 10, 2003 at 02:22AM View BBCode

almost alwasy a manger would pull their pitcher if they're about to win by 10 runs or more. Why leave him out there so he can injured? Why not put in a youngster who has less experience at the major league level. Oh and ladies you cant argue with me on this one unless you can find a major league manager whos dumb enough to leave a pitcher in the game with the team leading by 15 runs.

poor ultima006.9

April 10, 2003 at 02:43AM View BBCode

all those typos prove that it's hard to type with only one hand.

April 10, 2003 at 03:08AM View BBCode

its even harder to type with 1 foot.

April 10, 2003 at 07:23AM View BBCode

Indeed, Christy Brown.

Or were you implying that one of yours is in your mouth?

April 10, 2003 at 01:21PM View BBCode

Hey, guys, lay off, that was a valid comment... :)

almost alwasy a manger would pull their pitcher if they're about to win by 10 runs or more. Why leave him out there so he can injured? Why not put in a youngster who has less experience at the major league level.

This is actually being addressed. Tyson is working on a "managerial preferences" system where you can select when to pull a pitcher, whether or not to leave in pitchers going for no-hitters, what to do in blowouts, etc.




April 10, 2003 at 01:38PM View BBCode

the other side to your 'argument' is why waste another pitcher in a game that's totally out of hand, and why take away the chance for a guy to ring up a nice shutout/complete game combo in which he probably threw no more than 100 pitches? THINK a little before you post.

April 10, 2003 at 02:01PM View BBCode

God damn you seriously have no clue. Have you ever played baseball seriously? Just because you play "fake" baseball doesnt mean you know what its like in real life. The only time a manger would be dumb enough to leave a pitcher out there, is if he might have a chance at a perfect game or a no-no. If he left the pitcher in the game and the next pitch was a rocket off his head out for 60 days. That manager wont be at the next game. Why waste a stater when theres alwasy 1 or 2 pitchers that rarely pitch and only pitch in these kind of situations. To me it sounds like you have NO experienc with the game of baseball your probably fat and never played a sport in your life and if thats the case dont bother arguing a losing battle.


April 10, 2003 at 02:08PM View BBCode

It's entirely situational, isn't it? The fact that my team is a "doormat" as I so clearly stated should have made it obvious that they weren't in any sort of a pennant race. If they had been then it might make some sense to pull the guy with a big lead, but then the other argument rings true again, why waste a reliever in a game that the starter has totally in hand? Remember, in this sim we only have 10 pitchers to go with, and wasting one who might have pitched yesterday would mean that he wouldn't be able to pitch again tomorrow when he might be needed.
Believe me Ultima, I know a helluva lot more about baseball than you ever will, because with your lame attitude towards human interaction (and the fact that you're a semi-illiterate moron who was probably the by-product of a brother/sister union) you won't be around much longer anyways.

April 10, 2003 at 02:10PM View BBCode

yah ill probably die becuase I always win. sounds true.

15-0 ShO !!

April 11, 2003 at 03:55AM View BBCode


Well one day in the afternoon on September 6th 1905 a gentleman named
"Fielder Jones", Who just happened to be the manager of the Chicago White Sox, left "Frank Smith" in the game where he pitched a 9 inning complete game shutout.
The final score:

Chicago 15 Detroit 0

Took me 5 min. find that one and if you would be gracious enough to lower the score to 13-0, I found about 10 of those along the way.

The education continues..............



April 11, 2003 at 04:05AM View BBCode

1905??? do you even realize how many players there were back then? It seems you have absolutly no idea about the history of baseball. in 1885, batters would walk on EIGHT balls! What im trying to say is things were different back then. Even in 1950 I bet you could find some pitchers who threw complete games when the score was out of reach. your a dinosaur if you think times havent changed. Players back then would play the whole pre-season, season and playoffs without missing a beat. times have changed rehab. equipment has changed. Skill level has changed. 1905!!??? Man pitchers would pitch the whole game even if the score was 15-14!! Thats the dumbest rebuttle post ive ever heard. Catch up on some baseball histroy before you try again. Ive lost all respect for you.

April 11, 2003 at 05:07AM View formatted

You are viewing the raw post code; this allows you to copy a message with BBCode formatting intact.
"1905??? do you even realize how many players there were back then? in 1885, batters would walk on EIGHT balls! What im trying to say is things were different back then. Even in 1950 I bet you could find some pitchers who threw complete games when the score was out of reach. your crazy if you think times havent changed. Players back then would play the whole pre-season, season and playoffs without missing a beat. times have changed rehab. equipment has changed. Skill level has changed. 1905!!??? Man pitchers would pitch the whole game even if the score was 15-14!!


I hope you don't mind but I have edited your post a little so that people would listen to you. Notice: no put downs, only your opinion.

As for the actual arguement, I am not even going to get into it.

April 11, 2003 at 05:13AM View BBCode

Its not an opinion. Its a FACT. theres no way you can argue that by proving me wrong. Just get over the fact that you are WRONG and you wont have to waste your time.

April 11, 2003 at 05:15AM View BBCode



April 11, 2003 at 05:16AM View BBCode

other than your almost complete lack of baseball knowledge and the fact that you're a tactless jerk the simple fact that you are far too stupid to spell properly or use proper grammar just makes your weak pathetic little arguments all the less worth listening to. It just proves even more what a complete idiot and total waste of time you are. Now please go back to your cave and crawl back under the rock that was so sadly dislodged by some idiot who was looking for dung beetles to eat.

April 11, 2003 at 05:52AM View BBCode

yes mother


April 11, 2003 at 05:54AM View BBCode


"Oh and ladies you cant argue with me on this one unless you can find a major league manager whos dumb enough to leave a pitcher in the game with the team leading by 15 runs."

I believe that I addressed and fulfilled each and every key part of your challange.

You didn't give me a time frame here, you just inferred that it hadnt been done in the major leagues. The only part of your quote which I can't address is how dumb Mr. Jones was. He won 92 games that year with an over the hill Pitching staff so that says something.
But, I will leave future evaluations on the 'dumbness factor' up to you, in light of your superior qualifications.


April 11, 2003 at 06:26AM View BBCode

How do you know what the manager was thinking in 1905?? THEY DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH PITCHERS BACK THEN to pull pitchers out whenever they felt like it. which is why pitchers would pitch the whole game even if the score was like 13-12. BOTH pitchers would pitch the whole game. You call that a challenge? Finding a game where pitchers pitch the whol game anyway??? What ERA do you live in. Use you brain and realize that no manager that is still alive or has been alive within the last 50 years would be dumb enough to leave their pitcher in the game. I didnt specify this timeframe cuz I assumed you knew a little about the history of baseball and you dont so you should retire out of "fake" baseball.

Ultima the clown

April 11, 2003 at 07:25AM View BBCode

Again you rant and rave and try to blow everyone's little house down, and fail miserably as usual. Let's see...for starters...and this one is just off the top of my head, Pat Hentgen of the Blue Jays pitched a 15-0 shutout in Detroit in 1996.
I guess that would make 2 time World Series winner Cito Gaston a moron of some sort according to your rules.
In 1992 against the Pirates Tom Glavine pitched a complete game shutout for the Braves, winning 15-0. That would add Bobby Cox to your list as well.
That's just 2 after a few seconds of searching , and considering how few 15-0 games there have been throughout history that's pretty good.
Now if you were to count games that are 10-0 or better, you could add in Whitey Ford's game 3 & game 6 shutouts in the 1960 World Series, 10-0 and 12-0 scores. So add Casey Stengel to your list. Then you can also include Bret Saberhagen's 11-0 shutout of the Cards in game 7 of the 85 Series. So add Dick Howser to your list as well. Of course that one didn't matter so much as he had the whole offseason to recover.
So again Ultima the moron you are proven wrong. What a shocker.

April 11, 2003 at 04:45PM View BBCode

As mark said though , his team is not in contention so theres no risk in leaving a good pitcher out there. 1996? The blue jays were near last. If you're competing in a pennant race, you wont be leaving that pitcher out there right? think hard retard.

April 11, 2003 at 04:55PM View BBCode

Geoffrey, your friends here at SimDynasty want to have an intervention. We feel you need to join us in a 12-step program. Please see the following thread for details:


April 11, 2003 at 06:22PM View BBCode

and we go right back to my very first post on this thread then don't we? My rebuilding doormats having a good day. I'm a retard? You can't even read more than 2 lines at once without going off like a 12 year old boy sneaking a peek at his sister in the shower.
You are the single biggest ass clown I've ever come across on the internet, and that's saying a lot. Over and out.

April 11, 2003 at 06:57PM View BBCode

such harsh comments from someone telling ME to grow up. take your own advice cuz your causing cancer to these boards.

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