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Team logos

May 29, 2015 at 12:26AM View BBCode

Hiya all
In my opinion, the selection of logos for a team are too limited. In SD Football, where I come from, there are almost an endless amount of logos to choose from, and you also get to set the background color, stripes, and facemask.

Not sure how many people are going to bother supporting me on this, but there you are. :cool::cool2::P;):cool::cool2:

June 03, 2015 at 12:55PM View BBCode

SimD baseball has become the neglected and forgotten older sibling. When it was an only child, it got endless love and attention. Now the new baby gets all the new toys and bling.

June 03, 2015 at 02:36PM View formatted

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why wouldn't it be that way, baseball only has 10 times as many leagues' worth of paying customers

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