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Nicely done, Boston...

July 05, 2017 at 04:20PM View formatted

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Being swept in four in the WS is a horrible way to end a very fine season. But man! your pitching was pretty near perfect! What a consistent closer in Dibut...and what an outstanding job by your starting rotation!
My hat is off to you, Boston. Job well done. I'd like to say that I'll see you next season, but there are some awfully good teams in the NL who would have something to say about that.
Billy (LA Stars)

July 05, 2017 at 10:11PM View BBCode

Thank you. I was really surprised my team turned it around. At one point was next to last in the AL but made a couple changes in my relief pitchers and line up.
Going in I was happy to just be part of it never mind sweaping the WS. Both sides played very well, just got a couple more plays in then you did. Could have turned at any point I feel. Lets see if I make a run next season my self :D

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