The Minors
December 22, 2001 at 03:20PM View formatted
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Do the minor league teams do anything? They should play games against each other... even if the box scores of those games are not available, they should at least accumulate statistics (which should probably be kept separate from their major league statistics). Their raw statistics should increase slowly (or perhaps decrease a bit) over a season, with the changes happening more rapidly for younger players than older players. In addition, you should be able to single out up to, say, three players on your minor league team for extra development, who would play more and have more rapid change in their raw statistics. This way, the minors would be a way to develop new major leaguers, and you could send major leaguers down for improvement; right now, it just seems to be a pool of second-rate players.
January 02, 2002 at 03:10AM View BBCode
I'm in the process of logging all the things I'm going to work on in the next couple weeks. This will be one of them. There will be a way to develop minor leaguers, as well as major leaguers. Your idea is pretty close to what I was thinking.
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