May 03, 2002 at 01:11AM View BBCode
I would like to see an ability to set a static lineup.
I move some guys around because they're tired, then have to fish through the past games to try and get my lineup back in order. :)
If there were a way to say 'this is my main lineup' and then a way to put that lineup back together without having to remember or fish for it...
Just a thought, would make setting my lineup a little easier. :)
May 03, 2002 at 02:14AM View BBCode
... erm, pencil and paper seems to work OK for me ... :D
Seriously, though, that's a pretty good idea as an option for when you are on holiday or away from a computer. ABE could run subs from that lineup when the starters are tired, and use the default lineup otherwise.
May 03, 2002 at 03:43AM View formatted
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Pen and paper is great... but I can't keep track of it. Hehe... call it a fault. :)
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