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The gift that keeps on giving

January 12, 2005 at 11:42PM View BBCode

As many avid college football fans know, Ohio States QB Troy
Smith was suspended from participating in the Alamo Bowl for accepting money from a booster. (He's still suspended).
It comes to pass the reason he was suspended is that Maurice Clarett got Smith to talk to Smiths mother and get a
cell phone for Mo since his sugar daddy in Youngstown pulled Mo's cell phone once he was suspended. Anyway, Smith's mom gets Mo a cell phone and naturally Mo runs up a bill in the thousands of dollars. Unable to pay the bill, Smith hears from team mates about a booster who hires players for jobs. Smith goes to the booster gets cash (does no work
by the way) and pays the bill. So my question is, if this was your favorite team do you think it was worth it to have Clarett on your team and win a national championship if you know all of the trouble that is going to follow....

January 12, 2005 at 11:47PM View BBCode

No, because they will (or at least should) get scholarships taken, and that will hurt more than a national championship helped.

January 12, 2005 at 11:56PM View BBCode

Originally posted by prvev
No, because they will (or at least should) get scholarships taken, and that will hurt more than a national championship helped.

I agree. But the NCAA completed 1 investigation and found no wrong doing by the university. I admit it has been reopened, but the rumors are they are going to again find no wrong doing by the university and thus they will not be punished. I do know OSU has lost at least 1 recruit this year
because he did not want to go to a program under suspicion.
But the biggest damage to OSU is to their credibility.

January 12, 2005 at 11:59PM View BBCode

The ring is the thing. None of my teams (college or pro) have won a title in my lifetime. Of course, it's a lot easier to be an Ohio State fan than a WSU fan, because the Buckeyes are almost always in the mix. Still, for me personally, the title would be worth it.

January 13, 2005 at 12:59AM View BBCode

My teams have won plenty of Championships in my lifetime and also have lost some heartbreakers

January 13, 2005 at 05:05AM View BBCode

Rutgers has never won anything significant, ever, except the first intercollegic football game ever. (Take that, Princeton!)

But I would never take one national title for the damage it would do to my school. Nothing is worth that kind of disgrace to that a Clarett-type would bring.

January 13, 2005 at 06:46PM View BBCode

I've only had one team win ever.. the Spurs twice, and in most sports I would agree with whisky, but in college football being very good just not the champion for a long time is probably better than one championship and sucking forever.

January 13, 2005 at 06:53PM View BBCode

Originally posted by prvev
I've only had one team win ever.. the Spurs twice, and in most sports I would agree with whisky, but in college football being very good just not the champion for a long time is probably better than one championship and sucking forever.

And if you're team is Illinois, coming off a miracle national championship season and seeing its first opportunity to really start building a dynasty, maybe you'd have a point. Ohio State is one of the the most storied programs in college football. They will have no problem remaining a Top 25 power for years to come. One Clarett-sized blip on the radar won't tumble them into decades of mediocrity.

January 13, 2005 at 06:55PM View formatted

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Alabama has been mediocre for a while after they got scholarships taken away.. granted they weren't great before, but still.

January 13, 2005 at 06:57PM View BBCode

Eh, that wasn't a good point, because that just happened to Alabama, anyway, eh, maybe you're right. But there is no saying that they definately wouldn't have won without Clarett.

January 13, 2005 at 07:01PM View BBCode

Originally posted by prvev
Alabama has been mediocre for a while after they got scholarships taken away.. granted they weren't great before, but still.

Alabama's been hurt by the rise of Tennessee, Florida, Auburn and LSU in the SEC. When Alabame was busy being one of the five best programs in the history of college football (and still are), they cornered the market on recruits. They are still always competitive, just not National Championship worthy.

Basically, winning a national championship can only come through a sustained approach to recruiting the right players and employing the right system. No one is going to come completely out of nowhere (like Illinois) and win it all. So any team that wins a title, regardless of sanctions incurred afterward, is going to have some tradition behind it, which will be enough to carry it through a lean year or two. That's why I'd take the title.

January 13, 2005 at 07:06PM View BBCode

What has also hurt Alabama is that ever since Bear Bryant died, there has not been any real continuity in their head coaching position.

January 13, 2005 at 07:07PM View BBCode

Originally posted by abarkov
What has also hurt Alabama is that ever since Bear Bryant died, there has not been any real continuity in their head coaching position.

*cough*Mike Price*cough*


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