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Sim Football Leagues

August 30, 2003 at 01:30AM View BBCode

I know that there isn't any sim football league run by Tyson I just want to know if anyone has seen any good ones at all.

August 30, 2003 at 03:42AM View BBCode

league = Simdynasty
password = Tyson

not simfootball, but a fun football pool and its free....

August 30, 2003 at 04:14AM View formatted

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Let me know if you guys know of any sim football leagues - we have been thinking (more seriously) about creating one.

August 30, 2003 at 04:16AM View BBCode

i would do anything for a sim football league

What If Sports Sim Football

August 30, 2003 at 06:04AM View BBCode

To all, here's a link to a simulation league for football. I haven't used it but did try the team matchup feature.

Just providing info..:o:D:):D:o

August 30, 2003 at 07:58PM View BBCode

I've been wanting to write a SimFootball game to partner with SimDynasty, but I need to get some other projects out of the way first...


August 30, 2003 at 08:45PM View BBCode

If I knew anything about programing at all, I would have made sim games for baseball, football, basketball and hockey a long time ago.

August 30, 2003 at 09:38PM View BBCode

as would i.....if i can could i be apart of the process in simfootball tyson...ill be a mod. or something i dont care:P

August 31, 2003 at 02:22AM View BBCode

Tyson, I think you wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel creating a SIM Basketball off of the Baseball platform. It might be a easier transition going from baseball to basketball then from football where your season is only 16 games and 11 starting players.

If you need any seed money, lets talk ;)

August 31, 2003 at 03:30AM View BBCode

i know limited programming, but i could see how a baseball program like this one would work. football however is a much more complicated game with offensive line/defensive line blocking, run vs pass plays, and all 22 players on the field contributing to the play. rather than just the pitcher/hitter/fielder who gets hit to ratings contributing to the outcome of the at-bat.

while id like to see a simfootball game i think it would take too much of your time to make a one worth playing, time which could be better spent making simdynasty better.

September 02, 2003 at 07:14PM View BBCode

Well, the SimFootball game I had in mind would depend far more on the game management choices made by the owner. That's what makes football a complicated game to simulate in this fashion.

Here's how I would do it:

- One game would be played per day. Each quarter would be played separately, and owners would be able to tinker with the game settings and player substitutions between quarters.

- Each team would have a playbook, say a couple dozen offensive plays and a dozen defensive plays from a master playbook of hundreds of plays. A team could have alternate playbooks for playing against specific teams. For variety, a handful of plays might be exclusive to a particular team.

- You would then set a number of rules, which would be processed in order like branches of a tree, to decide what type of play to call, how often to go to the strong side vs. the weak side, whether to go for long yardage or short, etc. The most basic of these would be based on downs: what to do on 1st and 10, what to do an 3rd and long, what to do on 4th and short (and you get to decide what long, medium and short are).

It would be tricky to decide how to do a recap; do you just list the scoring plays, the statistics for each drive, a full text play-by-play, or an animated "X's and O's" display of each play?

Does this sound like the kind of game people would want to play?


September 02, 2003 at 07:17PM View BBCode

less than this Sim Dynasty baseball Gearhead, but that is a great blueprint for a sim football league. Obviously, some sports you can't simulate as well as others, but that doesn't sound half bad.

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