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Michael Vick is retarded...

January 18, 2007 at 09:06AM View BBCode

Why can't Ron Mexico just quit smoking dope and play some football? I would never look at porn again for the cash they make! Here's a link: [url=]Vick's Water Bottle[/url]

ATLANTA (AP) - Michael Vick reluctantly surrendered a water bottle to security at Miami International Airport that contained a residue "closely associated with marijuana," police said Wednesday.
The Atlanta Falcons' quarterback entered a concourse Wednesday morning at the airport with the 20-ounce bottle. He eventually handed it over and boarded his flight to Atlanta. But his initial reluctance to turn over the bottle aroused suspicion among airport security screeners, a police report said.

The bottle was found to have a hidden compartment that contained "a small amount of dark particulate and a pungent aroma closely associated with marijuana," the report said. The compartment was hidden by the bottle's label so that it appeared to be a full bottle of water when held upright, police said.

No charges have been filed, but police said the bottle would be sent to a lab for analysis.

Vick did not immediately return a phone call early Thursday.

"We plan to look into the matter and discuss it with Michael Vick before having any further comment," Falcons spokesman Reggie Roberts said.

January 18, 2007 at 09:29AM View BBCode

"But I can't produce without my bongwater, coach!"

January 18, 2007 at 09:54AM View BBCode

what an ass clown. Are we talk resin or what.

January 18, 2007 at 10:45AM View BBCode

I am assuming it was either a pouch to hide his dope in, or the remnants of a highly sophisticated "disposable bong."

Either way, he's a retard.

January 18, 2007 at 01:44PM View BBCode

I doubt that Vick smoking dope has any effect on his quarterback play at all, or if it does, than the effect is negated by the fact that he is hardly the only one using in the NFL. No, you can look to the fact that he isn't a quarterback at all to explain his lack of production.

January 18, 2007 at 03:22PM View BBCode

Originally posted by nbn_ckh3
Why can't Ron Mexico just quit smoking dope and play some football? I would never look at porn again for the cash they make!

You're actually going to sign that crap? "I voluntarily agree to not indulge in any alcohol, drugs or engage in any other illegal activity that may in any way jeopardize the years of hard work we as a team have committed to our goal of a championship season in '76." I just didn't know that drugs and alcohol were such a big problem that they had to resort to neo-McCarthyism.

January 18, 2007 at 04:39PM View BBCode

really, reefer? what is your issue? so football players smoke dope, what is the big deal about that? it is not exactly a new story.

January 18, 2007 at 05:03PM View BBCode

Because he makes LOTS OF MONEY, genius. When you make LOTS OF MONEY you are obligated to live your life to a higher standard. Like Paris Hilton. Or....Hitler. Like Hitler.

January 18, 2007 at 05:10PM View formatted

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I have to somewhat agree with FG, if your making that much money, you must hold yourself to a higher standard, there are certain obligations that you have not only to the fans but the organization and your teammates, even more so when your a QB... now if your a guy like Tim, hell smoke away. 1313

January 18, 2007 at 05:17PM View BBCode

Jesus Christ. WB

January 18, 2007 at 05:37PM View BBCode

My only comment is my sheer, unbridled laughter, which will likely continue for the rest of the day. FG

January 18, 2007 at 05:40PM View BBCode

I was about to point out the same thing. Thanks for the laugh, fellas!

Now for some bongwater... I'm thirsty. I don't make lots of money, so I can drink whatever the hell I want without fear of reprisal.

January 18, 2007 at 05:45PM View BBCode

Hey douchebags, where talking about athletes, not just people who make alot of money. I'm sure the three amigo's wouldn't know shit about athletic competition. 1313

January 18, 2007 at 05:46PM View BBCode

Me? With THOSE guys? Surely you jest.

January 18, 2007 at 05:48PM View BBCode

Yeah you, and your merry men. 1313

January 18, 2007 at 05:49PM View BBCode

Me? LEAD those guys? Surely you jest.

January 18, 2007 at 05:55PM View BBCode

Fuck why not, I would lead them to a shark infested pool of blood...and then tell them to jump in. 1313

January 18, 2007 at 05:58PM View BBCode

This whole thread has taken on a definitive Wile E. Coyote feel. Just...don't...look...down.

January 18, 2007 at 08:27PM View BBCode

This story and this thread are a tiny picture of whats wrong with pro sports. I don't know if its a big deal to have a QB who smokes dope on tuesday and I dont care. BUT why is it in the news that the guy left something that SMELLS like weed at the airport. Marboro lights smell like weed about every 100th cig. Should'nt the guys at the airport have to account for how they deal with confiscated items/peoples privacy?? when DG leaves his BONG water at the airport they never say shyt.
The Ron Mexico stuff is hella funny to me BUT aint there a point where this crap is over the top.

January 18, 2007 at 08:36PM View BBCode

Originally posted by bobcat73
BUT why is it in the news that the guy left something that SMELLS like weed at the airport.

Part of my job involves recording police blotter information. Invariably, every marijuana citation I've ever encountered includes a reference to "a green, leafy vegetable matter" bearing an odor that, "through my training and years of police experience, I determined to be marijuana." Why? Because the police aren't supposed to otherwise know the ganja from all-spice.

January 18, 2007 at 08:44PM View BBCode

When did I ever say I smoked? Strike that from the record, Joe.

January 18, 2007 at 11:48PM View BBCode

It was stupid trying to get his stash through the airport. But if the guy wants to get high in the off season who gives a crap.

January 19, 2007 at 01:23AM View BBCode

Seriously, he has that much money and he's smoking dope?


January 19, 2007 at 01:56AM View BBCode

Your premise is flawless.

January 19, 2007 at 04:54AM View BBCode

All tha coke heads are in Socal. He just doesn't know how nice smoking a big fatty can be.

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