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Best sports experience you've had?

November 22, 2003 at 12:50AM View BBCode

What was your most memorable visit to a game?
Here's mine, I went to a Cubs game at Wrigley field on a cold, drizzling early afternoon. It was early april and Sammy Sosa was on his way to his miracle season with Mark McGuire. I was in the right field bleachers sending love to Sammy, every inning, every out he turns and waves to the fans, very cool.
The Cubs were playing the Mets and in the outfield they had a player named Huskey, can't remember the first name. I was getting a little tipsy from all the draft that day and was really bugging this guy, or trying to. It didn't look like he even noticed me and the entire bleacher section I was leading in ridiculing him.
Later that night watching sportscenter they showed the highlights of the game (they lost) and Huskey mentioned me to reporters specifically. He said that there's something wrong with Chicago fans and the security if they don't throw me out after all that. I was so proud....:D

[Edited on 11-22-2003 by sycophantman]

November 22, 2003 at 01:17AM View BBCode

I'm sorry to say this, and hope you don't take it too personally, but getting drunk and heckling a guy to the point where he actually questions the fans at the ballpark on television probably shouldn't be the sort of thing a person should be proud of. There's nothing wrong with showing sportsmanship to the other team when you go to the park. I'm sure a lot of people disagree with me, and think that heckling is just part of the whole deal when you go to the park, but I know I can't stand drunk jackasses in the stands who can't shut the hell up. Again, I don't mean to make this a personal attack, just a general commentary about what really bugs me when I go to a game.

Oh, and my favorite moments all involve seeing Mike Schmidt at the Vet when I was very young, but there's nothing specific I can remember about the games. The Phillies were pretty terrible at that point.

[Edited on 11-22-2003 by FuriousGiorge]

November 22, 2003 at 01:46AM View BBCode

i think that there r two types of heckeling. 1. the ok kind where u just try to get under the guys skin alittle and the athlete doesnt take it to personally, and not to the point where he mentions it to the media afterwards unless it is meant as a joke. usually people that do this kind r sober. 2. the sometimes violent, very offensive kind. sometimes when someone really crosses the line i wonder how the athlete can stand it and not smack the guy. this sometimes ends up very ugly such as a fan running on the fields and sometimes even brawls. so yea sometimes it is fun and just part of the game but sometimes guys can cross the line.

November 22, 2003 at 02:30AM View BBCode

Hey, hey, hey!
Now you two are making me seem like an ass. That's not the case! All I ever did was yell 'HUS-KEY!' a lot, and everyone around me was doing it as well. Never a good excuse for anything, of course, but there it is.
You know, I was just relating an experience because I thought it was amusing, for your benefit. I've gotten drunk all of four times in my life, but I seem like a drunken lout. After reading your responses, I want to beat myself up!
Don't get me wrong, i'm not mad :)
Nor am I really proud of it, like it's my crowning achievement in life. I just don't hold my liquor well, and it was my first time at a ballgame...:D

November 22, 2003 at 02:47AM View BBCode

His first name is Butch, Butch Huskey.

November 22, 2003 at 02:55AM View BBCode

Yup! That was the name.
Thanks, it was bugging me not remembering...:puzzled::o:yawn:

November 22, 2003 at 03:00AM View formatted

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I've only been to six major league games. 2 at the Vet, 2 at Fenway, 1 at Shea, and 1 at Camden Yard. Being a life long Dodger fan from the east coast, I was able to see them play at the Vet. The biggest highlite of the game for me was Mike Piazza hitting a towering homerun down the right field line in the top of the ninth to tie the game. Unfotunately, the Phillies won the game in the bottom of the ninth. It was great to finally get to see them in person.

November 22, 2003 at 03:31AM View BBCode

i've been to a fair number of baseball games. none that were of great importance. some that were good, but none that were like "WOW!" i saw that reds play quite a bit when i was a kid and they were one of the best teams in the country. i've also seen quite a few cubs and chisox games. i've even seen them both win. LOL

football has been kinder to me. i saw the bears win the NFC championship on their way to the superbowl. i saw the bears beat philly in the "fogbowl." i saw payton's last game. i got to see montana play when he was at ND. i've seen several great ND-UofM contests (seeing any game at either school is pretty memorable). Purdue and ND have had some great ones i've been at as well. and, when i was 1 year old i was at the Purdue-Illinois game when bob griese and the boilers beat the illini defense and dick butkus. nope, i don't remember the first thing about it, but i was there dammit. it's the only time i got to go to a butkus game though so i like to mention it.

November 22, 2003 at 03:37AM View BBCode

Wow, you've seen some good ones, football wise. I'd much rather see a football game than anything. Especially a Bears game from the championship season! Lucky! At least whenever I go to visit my parents in the late summer I can catch Bears training camp. Since they moved to my home town of Bourbonnais I do get to do that on a regular basis.:D
Myself I have never seen a football game, someday....

November 22, 2003 at 03:42AM View BBCode

My best sport experience was at an Angels game a (long) while ago when Wally Joyner was playing for them. He was my favorite player and I was probably 5 years old so when he came up to bat I just remember being super excited. That is all I remember, but it is also my first memory of being at a sports game, so it will always have a spot in my heart.


November 22, 2003 at 03:51AM View BBCode

anyone can go to a bears championship game all you have to do is root for the team for 20 years or so (waiting for the bears management to put together a good team is kind of like waiting for the proverbial monkeys to turn out shakespeare) then stand around in the freezing cold all night next to a really big damned lake. it's cake.

November 22, 2003 at 03:56AM View BBCode

In a Wizards game 2 years ago (Michael Jordan's first year with the team), I saw them play the Bucks. Jordan scored 34 and Hamilton had around 30, but the highlight was Sam Cassell punting the ball into the stands and getting ejected. Glenn Robinson also got ejected (2 techs), but didn't have as good of an exit.

Earlier this year, 2nd to last game at the Vet, Braves vs Phillies. My first regular-season game outside Camden Yards. Javy Lopez set the home runs by a catcher record (my dad was getting drinks and missed it though). Thome hit 2, Phillies won in extra innings and John Smoltz's ERA went above 1 when he gave up a run in the ninth.

November 22, 2003 at 03:58AM View BBCode

Sounds like a snap, guess i'll just think happy thoughts and surely the Bears will turn it around!:rolleyes:
Can I not see the forest for the trees, or are Chicago teams truly that inept? Do we have to always wait for these organizations to stumble into success? It's all so frustrating, good thing I lived half my life in Houston, I have a fall back city to enjoy winning with...
Wait a minute...
nevermind, Houston has just as bad of luck.:(

November 22, 2003 at 04:01AM View BBCode

since i have never been to any sporting event of much importance i cant say i wuz there for my sports experience. as many of u know i have only been to one yankee game which wuz a meaningless september 20 something game last year. ive been to 3 jets games but i wuz 3-5 and the jets sucked at that time. i have been to devils games alot but they r either against last place teams, after they have already locked up a playoff spot, or i wuz too young to remember. i have two that are my alltime favorites though, 1. 2003 ALCS NY Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox (boone's game winning homer.)2. New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins in i wanna say 2000, the game ended at about 1:30 AM in a jets win. it wuz the one where Jumbo Elliot caught the game winning touch down pass and was voted the best monday night football game in history.

my most sickening experience at a sporting event was last year at a New Jersey Devils vs. New York Rangers game. the reason it wuz so sickening is because after the game two knuckle heads started a fist fight on the concourse over who was gonna go to the bathroom first. the were both really drunk and it ended up involving a good deal of people.

November 22, 2003 at 04:06AM View BBCode

the Chicago Bulls won 6 championships and had the best ever on their team, they shouldn't be included in the Chicago ineptness.

November 22, 2003 at 04:08AM View BBCode

the problem is that chicago fans fill the stands all the time. win or lose. they also buy jerseys pennants, all that crap. they watch the games on TV and boost the ratings. sports franchises in chicago make money. that's all there is to it. why bother going to the expense of putting together a winner if you don't have to.

okay, now i'm really sad.

on the up side, the cubs are bound to at least win the pennant soon. with 2 great pitchers a good, possibly great slugger they've painted themselves into a corner. it's kinda like when the bulls made the mistake of drafting jordan, or when the bears chose walter. they had to do something, or the fans might get pissed and rip the owners limb from limb.

November 22, 2003 at 07:23AM View BBCode

Oh, I just remembered the best one...I got to go to the Sugar Bowl in 1999-2000 to see my Hokies (we lost, of course, but it was still cool to be there). We spent the week in New Orleans, over New Year's, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. That's the closest that any of my team's have gotten to glory in all the time I've been following, but it's best (for me anyway) when your school is the one in the game, rather than a professional team you follow.

November 22, 2003 at 11:52AM View BBCode

My most memorable sports experience was the 1997 ALCS Game 2 I went to, the only problem being the Orioles lost. Hell of a game though. I was in the left field stnads and Cal Ripken hit a homer right into my section (not very close to me, but still pretty cool). Of course we lost the game when, after Benitez struck out Thome twice on missed check-swing calls, Marquis Grissom hit a three-run blast.

Favorite sports experience? It's still either ALCS Game 2, ALDS Game 1 from 1996 (which the Birds won) or the final game at Memorial Stadium in 1991--that was pretty special. Oh, I was also at Oriole Park the night Cal Ripken broke the streak, and the night of his final game. That one was pretty good too, expect he didn't hit a home run like he was supposed to, and his speech was lame.

November 22, 2003 at 02:55PM View BBCode

You know what's sad, I lived near Chicago half my life, and in Houston the other half. I was in Houston every year the Bulls won, and in Chicago every year the Rockets won. I missed out completely...
But Chicago teams have some very cynical ownership. It's pretty much all about the profit margin here. Every instance of success the last few decades has been because of our luck in having a few trancendent players. It's the Cubs turn now and I couldn't be happier about it, but how long did it take? This is the third largest market in the country with some of the MOST loyal fans there are. Makes me wannna holler...:mad:

November 22, 2003 at 03:59PM View BBCode

Back when I was in little league we used to have a HR derby sponsered by the phillies, and they gave out tickets to all the winners. Well it was a small town so me and my friends all won and got tickets. We went to the Vet and saw Phillies Vs. Braves and I swear Andruw Jones had to of hit a ball at least 500 feet. It went upperdeck center field.

After the game we were getting autographs and Greg Maddux snuck out a side door and started running for his car. Me and 2 of my friends saw him and chased after him. I'm not a rude person so all I did was say "please Greg, can I have your autograph" but one of my friends jumped into the passenger seat(it was a red convertable) and starting asking him a bunch of questions( "so where are you taking me for dinner?" "are we gonna pick up some honeys?" etc). Eventually Greg gave us all autographs if we agreed to take my friend out of his car and slap him silly :lol:

Next time he'll learn to sneak out with security, or at least sign a few autographs.

November 22, 2003 at 07:04PM View BBCode

Your friend is very trusting, to jump in Madduxs' convertable.
Could you imagine if he tried that with Ray Lewis? Or Barry Bonds? He would have gotten pimp slapped....
I guess guys like your friend are just the price of fame...:lol:

November 22, 2003 at 08:46PM View BBCode

At Yankee Stadium three years ago, down by 2 with two outs. Knoblauch and Jeter get on, and my man Paul O'Neil is up as the winning run.
Long fly ball to right field, everybody gets up and cheers.... caught right at the wall.
As everybody groans, Paul O'Neil jumps up in the air and slams his bat down into the dirt, jumps up agian and hurls his helmet over first base well into right field, screaming obsenities and furious at himself.
It was horrible, but a great memory.

November 22, 2003 at 11:07PM View BBCode

I don't think Maddux is very tough. He was pretty scared of us. i can tell you though for a pitcher that man can run. Nice car, though I still can't figure out why he was using his car while the rest of the team got on the bus.

The worst moment of that game was when Denny Neagle charged $50 for his autograph. It's bad enough he wanted money for it but what's worse is Neagle isn't even that good!! It was funny though when the kid whose baseball he didn't sign spit at him(it missed but it was still funny).

November 23, 2003 at 01:35AM View BBCode

Back in 1999 I saw the Cubs beat the Pirates 1-0... It was won on a pinch hit homer by Mickey Morandini, bottom of the ninth with an out or two. That was cool cuz I took my dad and it was his first game at Wrigley. Plus I went the next day and they won too, and that year they lost like 50 out of their last 60, but at least they won those two (in spite of themselves)
I was at the longest scoreless game at Wrigley ever, this year on May 31, the Cubs beat the Astros 1-0 in 16. It was the most thrilling scoreless game I'd ever seen, both teams almost scored several times, it was windy as hell and cold too. If you like a tight game full of susupense, this one was great.

November 23, 2003 at 02:11AM View BBCode

See, now I like those 0-0 games in baseball, the tension just builds and builds, tough on the heart. I wonder why we as sports fans get all a-flutter over a scoreless baseball game and call it a pitchers duel, yet a soccer game bores us to tears of anguish...*shrug*

And Unclesam, I got to say that its funny you and your friend made a grown man run like a little punk, ha! Are you guys really scary or somethin'? :lol:

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