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Help me! Rate-a-Yankee-Rookie-Starter-Fun-Day.

May 08, 2007 at 08:56PM View BBCode

I'm bored. And there's nothing like having a look see at the talent being paraded out in pinstripeville while they get the arms race figured out. My exhibit:

Matt DeSalvo, who made his ML debut yesterday. I was able to catch this game at the bar (yes, I was drinking at 6 pm yesterday. Fuck off.)

Congrats, first off. And not a bad showing at all. 7 IP, 3 H, 1 ER, 3 BB, 0 K

Endurance: With the ability to pitch seven strong innings without falling apart at the seams, DeSalvo, at least based on this start has shown he can pitch deep into games, even if it was just the Mariners... *giggle* Next stop: can he finish them? Rating: A-

Velocity: The radar gun showed he was able to hit the 90-91 mph mark consistently. He can rare back and fire with a decent punch, but it's not anything that'll light up the gun and break the damn thing. And the zero strikeout total is a bit misleading. Or is it? Rating: B+

Control: This is where he suffered the most, I believe. The few hit totals were most likely due to his not being able to hit his spots on the pitch. It was obvious at some points he was just wanting to throw the ball as hard as he could, occasionally bouncing the ball over homeplate or being low and away by a half a mile. Threw 89 pitches, 55 for strikes. Not bad, but could've been better. Three walks, one I remember being on a full count. He's not exactly Greg Maddux, but he's nowhere near as abysmal as the guy he was up against yesterday: Miguel Batista. Rating: C

Final SimD rating for Matt DeSalvo:

OS Age: 27
End: A-
Vel: B+
Ctrl: C

May 08, 2007 at 09:07PM View BBCode

In any of my SD leagues he might have given up no runs in 7 innings his first time out but next he won't make it throught he second. Not a B+/C guy anyway.

May 08, 2007 at 09:15PM View BBCode

Originally posted by drunkengoat
not a bad showing at all. 7 IP, 3 H, 1 ER, 3 BB, 0 K......... even if it was just the Mariners... *giggle*

First off, I'd like to say,"Goat!"
Secondly, this is the two most telling parts of the entire post. Run him out there against a real team, and those totals will probably look very different.

May 08, 2007 at 09:38PM View formatted

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There any arguments about my grades? I think B+/C is about right, but I figure it's up for discussion.

And I'm sure you've seen plenty of B+/C guys have decent games in SimD, so it's not out of the question that that's what he would translate to in the game.

May 08, 2007 at 09:47PM View BBCode

No, I think you were pretty close with your grades. Although I didnt see the game I might give him a better control grade, he did only walk 3. I'd say:


Judging purely by your original post. But at 27, with these grades, in SD, he is probably on waivers.

May 09, 2007 at 12:05AM View BBCode

Not seeing the game I would not argue the ratings with you...for the record I was in a bar and could have watched the game but Sharks/Red Wings was on more important.

May 09, 2007 at 04:20PM View BBCode

Another Rookie, Phil Hughes must have a SD rating of A/B+/A- with and an A in health. 7 1/3 no hit innings and he got hurt!:(

[Edited on 5-9-2007 by Vicar]

May 09, 2007 at 04:27PM View BBCode

You should probably re-edit that.

May 09, 2007 at 07:27PM View BBCode

no! it couldn't possibly get better, could it?

May 18, 2007 at 07:16AM View BBCode

hughes is going to be a beast along with garza when they let him up to majors i have both on my fantasy team on my bench now. Just like H.street was a few years ago. For batters i say doumit from pitt is going to be a mauer with power i have him and finally they playing him since he prob. best bat they have and plays 3 positions at a cost of 290k for my salary cap out of 30million.

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