ABE Hates Me!
May 22, 2007 at 12:12AM View BBCode
I got swept by Milwaukee! How the Hell is that possible?:mad:
ABE has it out for me this season, just like the previous 2.
May 22, 2007 at 06:59PM View BBCode
Them losing streax ...... don't they? i hate them feel like they will never end!:puzzled:
May 22, 2007 at 08:04PM View BBCode
Yeah, ABE fucked me over again in [url=]this game.[/url] :mad:
I'm gonna lose the rest of my games.:rolleyes:
May 23, 2007 at 12:15PM View BBCode
Fuck you very much, ABE!:mad:
What the fuck is wrong with my team? 8 games in a row, after leading the league by 3 games! What's up with that?
May 31, 2007 at 07:31PM View BBCode
Once again, I'm dicked over!!:mad: How the fuck can I only get 3 hits against one of the worst pitchers in the league?:mad: [url=]The guy was 0 and fuckin' 7!![/url]:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I'll never understand what the fuck goes through ABE's little computer brain!
June 07, 2007 at 01:02PM View BBCode
BULLSHIT!!!:mad: 2 FUCKING blown saves in a row!!!:mad:
ABE is such a FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!:mad::mad::mad:
June 13, 2007 at 08:14PM View formatted
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FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:FUCK YOU, ABE!!:mad:
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