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August 09, 2003 at 09:06AM View BBCode

Hitters' overall ratings are based on contact vs. RHP, contact vs. LHP, power vs. RHP, power vs. LHP, speed, arm and range. Each category contributes equally (approximately 14.3%).

Wow, for once I think I might actually be correcting Bob. (Though I could be wrong... lol).

I actually think that it is weighted 10% for Arm and Range and 16% for Power/Contact vs. L/R and Speed. I think Tyson might have said this once, and it is also the default setting used for drafting players.

August 09, 2003 at 01:19PM View BBCode

Actually, now that Brad mentions it I seem to recall that as well. Sorry for the mistake (and believe me -- it isn't the first and won't be the last). Good catch Brad.

August 12, 2003 at 05:13AM View BBCode

I just scanned the posts in this thread. I agree that there are some issues with the overall ranking. I have to admit that I'm a little concerned that more than one person suggested that the way to deal with it would be to get rid of the overall ranking. I'm guessing that's coming out of frustration over the perceived shortcomings of the current setup.

Personally, I do use the overall ranking; primarily to track the development/decline of my own players. As a young player moves from a C+ to a B- to a B, that means something to me. Likewise, as a 30+ y.o. slides from a B+ to a B-, it tells me that the end is near. Frankly, trying to keep track of what each player's individual rankings are seems impractical.

I agree with those who think that the thing to do is fix the root of the problem. In other words, let's not blame the overall rating for innacurately suggesting that a A- contact, C+ power hitter will be at all comparable (or even hit for a higher average) than a C+ contact, A- power hitter will. If those players are made to perform more consitently with how we intuitively expect them too, the overall rating situation pretty much resolves itself. I still think that there will be issues with stuff like weighting speed and power equally, (because a lot of people would rather have a hitter that can't run than a runner that can't hit) or how much weight to put on a 1B's arm, but I think that's minor compared with what we're discussing here.

-Mike D

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