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August 22, 2003 at 04:33AM View BBCode
It is kind of funny to me that some people will believe in Adam and Eve--for which there is no physical evidence they ever existed--and NOT believe in dinosaurs, for which we have bones in abundance. But it's a purely human trait: People want to believe what they want to believe, and they'll ignore obvious facts if they're contraditorary.August 22, 2003 at 05:13AM View BBCode
i believe in adam and eve and that dinosaurs existed, but i can see how some would not, they interpret the bible literally. Everett is fine for doing that.August 22, 2003 at 05:57AM View BBCode
Well then where's the physical evidence that God existed? How could you believe in God and not Adam and Eve? Just because you've never seen it, heaven forbid it doesnt exist. I've known the exact bush I hit a golf ball into, and I've never found it and I'm sure no one else ever will...doesnt mean its not there. The bible is just a book of eye witness accounts written down. Thats pretty physical to me, since I can hold it and they are about people who actually existed in history. Both couldnt have happened, so it all comes down to what you believe in, and everyone is entitled to that. But when you say a prayer or grace, or whisper in your head you hope something goes your way...who are you talking to? dinosaurs? Why do we celebrate Christmas and Easter, for those dinosaurs? I guess our founding fathers were high when they wrote the constitution and such huh? In dinosaurs we trust...August 22, 2003 at 07:14AM View BBCode
Okay...this seriously should not have started, and someone should shut it down before it gets any worse.Pages: 1 2