January 02, 2004 at 01:57PM View BBCode
Wow, 50 cent below eternal fiery torment on the sucks scale?
I'm guessing that you're not forming any fan clubs anytime soon...
January 02, 2004 at 08:17PM View BBCode
well actually they would be tied. i assume 50 cent is the fiery torment.
January 02, 2004 at 11:17PM View BBCode
I see, well that makes more sense.
I guess during the baths in rivers of flame, you'd have to hear 'In Da Club' along with the 220,000 different remixes...
*now a word from [color=Red]Satan[/color]*
[color=Red]I just want it to be known that I would never endourse such torment. 50 Cent is just plain wrong!![/color]
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