November 09, 2007 at 08:18PM View BBCode
Well,looks like you are on the cusp of the series Mooner. 3-2. My boys cant seem to get the big hit in the close games. My big bats have gone deathly silent. Pitching has kept me in it...maybe I can hope for a game 7. Great series so far..but certainly a strange one. Take care and regardless of who wins...its been fun talking with ya. Peace.November 09, 2007 at 09:57PM View BBCode
been a great year. while i am sorry that i was not able to participate in the playoffs i was very happy with the race. good luck to those that remain. go national league.November 09, 2007 at 11:37PM View BBCode
WOW! What a Series!!!:spin: Thanks, Hudge for a challenging season! You sure gave me a run for it! This will be my 3rd WS in 5 seasons!November 10, 2007 at 04:00AM View BBCode
Congrats go represent us well and shut down those monstrous Baltimore sluggers! I just couldnt get that 3rd starter to come through. Luis Jones has a great era and kept me in the games,however,he would tire around the 6th inning and I would have to go to my middle and long relief which has been shaky,if not terrible,all year. Good luck and to theories..your Philly team was a rugged team that stayed at the top all season long. Hopefully we can all meet again. I go back to the drawing board...4 straight WS appearance as yet. I am getting the rep as one of those managers who cant win the big one..LOL. Take care and good luck Moonie!Pages: 1