March 10, 2009 at 01:21AM View BBCode
Some owners don't think highly of draft picks in trade offers and that doesn't make any sense to me. You do realize the draft has become your only real source for players, right? The players from the initial draft have either started to retire or are declining in skills so how else do you think you're going to acquire talent? Some drafts may suck but since that's the only real way to acquire talent then what other choice do we have? We already can't trade CPs so if you don't accept draft picks then it's down to players that other teams have drafted and developed. Good luck trying to make deals like that all the time. I guess that's why we have so few trades in this league. In fact, I seem to be the only owner trading at this point.
I also wanted to point out that you're not always going to get the sun and the moon in every trade offer. In other words, a player that's mostly all B's isn't really worth a star player or first round pick in return. I'm not out to screw other people over but I'm sure not going to make you better while screwing myself over in the process. Actually, there have been a couple deals where I accepted a little less than I should have in return just to push them though but that should be the exception and not the norm.
Again, if you get too wrapped up in the talent level of the draft it's going to skew your perception a little and keep you from trading. You have to realize that the league will start looking different. We're not going to have players with A's across the board sprinkled liberally throughout the league because guys like that don't grow on trees after the initial draft. I've been in enough leagues to realize that it's the A/B, B/A type guys that are going to rule and you will be thankful to get a guy to A- because that seems to be the average ending point for most players in the era after the initial draft. There will be that occasional stud rookie that shows up but they will probably be few and far between. We're just going to have to make do with what the draft gives us, which might not be all that impressive a lot of times. Keep that in mind.
March 10, 2009 at 02:03PM View BBCode
You make some good points, but I am going to disagree with the statement that you are the only owner trading at this point. I have had four offers put out on the table over the past three days with one still sitting. One thing I don't understand is when I ask "What do you need in return to trade so-and-so to me" and the other team just rejects my offer without explanation. All I ask is to at least provide the courtesy that either the player is not available or point out some specifics on my end so a deal can possibly be reached without taking weeks.
I'm desperately trying to make my team better offensively...and I'm sorry I asked a lot for the guy you wanted from me (if you are referring to me in your post) but if I lose him, then my by far league-low team average of .235 will get even worse. Also, its early in the season, and amazingly I'm still just five games off a playoff spot. There are also six teams in the NL that are within six games of a playoff spot right now as well, so it may be too early for them to make any serious moves at this point.
I dont know if any of that makes sense...but I do agree there are way too few deals in this league and eventually its going to bite a bunch of owners you know where. Maybe its the experience of owners in the league? I don't know, I can't assume anything...but if you give up a 1st rounder for a stud vet, you will reap the rewards in the short term if you are on the verge of winning. And I'd rather win than be on the border of making the playoffs all the time...
March 10, 2009 at 02:27PM View BBCode
Okay then I seem to be the only owner 'completing' trades at this point, and I wasn't particularly referring to you with my comments.
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