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Team Splits

June 15, 2010 at 11:19PM View BBCode

I've added a new page called Team Splits. You'll probably have to refresh your menus to see this, or you can go to this link:

This will show you your team's splits against lefties, righties, home and away. Well, actually it shows these things for players currently on your roster, there is not a way to track whether they accrued these stats while on your team or on a different team.

Let me know what you think.

2 things that I will probably work on for the future, but not this go around:

- Tracking non-hitting stats for batters for home/away (runs, sb, cs, errors)

- Add another page that shows all the players from your team in a single view, similar to Individual Stats


June 16, 2010 at 03:29PM View BBCode

These look good. Can you add the totals and/or average per team at the bottom of the chart?


June 16, 2010 at 03:46PM View BBCode

I don't do this on the Team Stats page, that's probably a better candidate to add that feature first.


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