New to Dynasty
March 19, 2004 at 06:25PM View BBCode
Hello everyone I would like to take a minute of your time and throw out a few questions.
This is my first season in Dynasty mode and I am hoping to build a pretty competitive franchise. I was wondering how long some of the other GM's have been in the league and what is the length of time this league can be ran... Indefinite I hope.
Also how can I look up the history of my team before I had taken it over?
Deliverance, I hope this is helpful ?
March 19, 2004 at 07:38PM View BBCode
First , Welcome to the Jimmy Wynn league. The league is now in its fifth season 1954. Many of the original GMs are still here. There have been a few franchises that have been picked up by new GMs..last year 25% of the League (4 GMs came on board.
Following is my understanding of how the Dynasty records are kept from year to year:
The "bad news"
As far as a review of the franchise history , I think that is pretty much lost although their may be some messages on the League Message Board that would give you some insight.
If you check the Past Playoffs, the teams that have the same original owners will be displayed...Any franchise that changed ownership gets a "Defunct Team" label..It could be any franchise that changed hands.
You will also observe the teams that were the strongest from year to year if the ownership hasn't changed.
The "good news"
Since you came on board and were involved in an Expansion draft, you can see how your players performed in previous years. This information is available under STATS (Individual Stats) by changing the year you will see the aggregated stats of the players on your team for the requested year. Remember that your team never played together until this year but besides the individual stats you will get Team totals at the bottom of the display for all the players on your team.
Also, you can retrieve the year by year leaderboards for all the STATS plus Single Season and ALL Time records for the league since it started. This is also available under the STATS (League Leaders)..
The bottom line is that your team (just being formed this season) is creating it's own unique history as you play SimDynasty.
Finally, I may not be totally accurate in all that I described above, there are other members in this league with more experience then I with SimDynasty. I will defer to them for any clarifications or corrections in what I have written above..
As Jack1, of the Cincinnati Red Stockings would say,
"LET'S PLAY BALL !!!"[/color][/size]
I hope this helps getting a feel for the team you have drafted...
Clarification on previous post...
March 19, 2004 at 07:49PM View BBCode
Deliverance, I just check the Stats for Individual by year. It does show the team that played together in the previous years. I missed that in my previous post..
.My Bad...:(:spin::(
March 19, 2004 at 09:54PM View BBCode
Welcome aboard!
The league can be ran as long as there is a SimDynasty.
I am an original owner as are over half of the league. This is my first Dynasty team and I was fortunate to have a good initial draft. I have since joined and left a private league that ran 15 games/day. This was a little to fast for my tastes. I am currently in a private league that runs 9 games/day which is about right.
I think we have a pretty good,fairly involved league. Feel free to post any questions on the board or U2U one of us. I know Papa and Crusader, as well as myself, are happy to help newbies.
Actually, I don't know of anyone in the league who would NOT help you.
Good luck. - Yankees
March 20, 2004 at 03:39AM View BBCode
HI Deliverance----WELCOME to the Jimmy Wynn League--------
I am also an original owner, as Crusader said--you can go through and read some of the things that have been posted since this league started. Every post is available for reading (no way do you need to read them all). Browse for posts for topics that may help you. We have established a procedure to trade future draft picks. My advice, REVIEW every trade offer that you get. If you like it, accept it--if you don't , decline it--if it's close, negotiate. If you are offered a very lopsided trade, PLEASE do not be offended, most of us have offered them. I have made some great trades and I have made some horrible trades, (you're welcome PapaHerb). Don't be afraid to mack an offer on a player that you like, occaisionally you may get him. I can't recall any trade that has been challenged in this league (on basis of deliberate cheating between to owners). Basically, if you accept a horrible trade, thats on you, (but if you seem to be making alot i'm sure that someone here will make you aware of it)
I know that most of the origional owners would like to see this go as long as possible. To do this we MUST have competative teams, can't have the same 4 or 5 teams win every year, so most of us want the rebuilding teams to get better and challenge the top teams. Remember, even the teams on top now will eventually have players retire and have to retool.
I hope that you enjoy simdynasty as much as i do.
G.M.--Baltimore Blue Knights
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