lineup home and away
November 13, 2010 at 01:33PM View BBCode
Since there are lineups vs RhP, and lineups vs Lhp, shouldn't there also be a way to customize your lineup at home or away?
I figure since parks can now be built to suit your team, maybe you would want to adjust your defense in the away parks as well.
My suggestion for this would be in backups...maybe backups home and away. For instance, I have an RF with a lousy arm I play at home because of a short porch, but in away games I may want a guy who is lesser his equal at the plate, but a better arm in RF with a longer throw to the plate. Same situation could be inferred for grass vs turf infielders as well.
November 15, 2010 at 03:54PM View BBCode
I think this would be fantastic. I tend to use some very unique stadium configurations (not sure it matters, but I do it!) and it would be nice to adjust things based on home/away. For instance, if I have two A-/A- hitters and the LH guy is slightly better normally, but my stadium heaviliy favors RH batters. I may start that 78/78 RH guy over the 80/80 LH guy. I may also be an idiot. lol
December 01, 2010 at 06:06AM View BBCode
Did you suggest this on Ideascale?
I looked so I could vote up the idea but I could not find it.
If you haven't added it already than can you add it , or if you don't want to , I can and will give you the credit.
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