November 24, 2002 at 05:16PM View BBCode
I have an idea about drafting that also may help keep newbies interested with bad teams. It seems to me that teams losing interest or hope is a real problem. It cuts down trading posibilities ( I think the lifeblood of this site) and the competitive balance of the league (sorta resembles the real thing, huh?).November 24, 2002 at 06:46PM View BBCode
I agree completely about being able to scout the actual individual players for the draft. It definitely would add interest and makes things more realistic. Of course there are those who might complain of lack of time to review each player in the draft. Still, I think those that put in a little effort should be rewarded. It can't be that hard to take some time to skim through some prospects, especially if they are available to scout while the season is going on. I think I've read about being able to scout for the draft before so this may be redundant but I think it would be wise to make this a top priority.November 24, 2002 at 10:45PM View BBCode
That is a good idea, but what if your team really needs a, 3B, for example. Then you would rate the top 3 or 4 3B for the draft, buut you really don't want all 3 or 4 of them. There would need to be a failsafe mechanism that says, if #1 pick is drafted, don't draft #2, #3, and #4, but instead draft the next best available SS. I think a better solution (for now) would be one that was posted earlier, that would allow you not only to say what you want most in a player with the current points system, (which really is a sort of scouting), but that you want to draft a 3B in the 1st round, and either a SS or SP in round 2, then the other that you didn't pick in round 3, and in round 4 and 5 just pick the best available P, and position player.November 25, 2002 at 12:01AM View BBCode
Actually, that's an easy one. Just continue to use the same system in place. In the draft settings, you already pick what postions player you need...2 SPs, 1 OF, 1 INF, etc.. When that need is met, you just move on to the next need on the list. The system is already in place, I just think it needs more GM involvement. Scouting is way to do it.November 25, 2002 at 04:07AM View BBCode
Actually, if I'm not mistaken by my memory of earlier posts, the current system looks at your prefs.... if you selected 2 in any position, 1 3B 1 SP and 1 RP you may draft a SS first, then a LF... then it would look at the rest of the 3B, SP, and RP and pick the best (say a 3B)... then it would look at the rest of the SP and RP and pick the better... etc.November 25, 2002 at 04:50AM View BBCode
Tysok, you are absolutely right. That is the problem with the current system. If you do badly need a player a a certain position, you may end up drafting him 5th, and the only way to prevent that is to say you want 5 3B, so you can be sure to get a decent one. Then you are left with 4 extra guys that you have no use for, and there is no guarantee you will be able to trade the others away for the other positions you need.November 26, 2002 at 03:26PM View BBCode
I think all the problems in all the draft would be solved by allowing you to specify the round that you wish to draft a specific position, and then have the Best Available (based on the way you allocated points) selected for you. This allows you to customize your team (if you want good pitching, you grab it early, and so forth) while also keeping the present "scouting system" in place (which I like) and alleviating the need for the universe of players to be created ahead of time (I know when I play Fantasy Baseball, I am a bit overwhelmed by the ranking lists, and I know who those guys ARE). This would get rid of the strategies Well Rounded and Totally Balanced, ABE would just pick Best Available within the parameters you specified. Gives the managers more control without scrapping the present system. Any thoughts?November 26, 2002 at 04:33PM View BBCode
I agree, and that is something that FiveToolPlayer has been campaigning for as well. But consider this scenario:November 26, 2002 at 04:43PM View BBCode
This makes complete sense and I agree. Basically you are saying that specifying a particular position in each round should be optional. There are always drafts where you need a specific position no matter what and there are drafts where you sort of need positions but nothing desperately so you wouldn't really care when you drafted what position. All I know is that my beta league team has attempted to draft a 1B for the past 5 or 6 seasons and I just can't get one. I even tried drafting all 1Bs this last time and it must have been a weak draft for the position as I got a C overall guy in round 1.November 26, 2002 at 05:15PM View BBCode
This is pretty cool. I think a lot of good ideas are flying around here. However, I still like the idea of being able to scout the players (its only 5 rounds worth) for two main reasons...first, it may help me make decisions on how I'm going to st my prefs. Makes no sense to look for a catcher in the draft if I got no shot at getting one, therefore I may push harder to trade for one. Reason gives GMs with bad teams something to do while the season slips away from them. Its hard to keep interested if you know that no matter what you do, your team is going to suck. At least thiswould keep them going to the site and help them plan for a better team. Maybe even work out a trade for a future draft pick...November 26, 2002 at 05:55PM View BBCode
I like the point about it keeping owners interested. But it may also be a big let down if they don't get who they wanted and they have planned their entire team around it.November 26, 2002 at 06:01PM View BBCode
I understand what you are asking, Five Tool, and I assume (but don't know for sure) that the pool of players is created as a whole first (this gives you control over how many A+ players, A players, etc. there are). I'm not sure it would be possible to use the draft ratings otherwise. However, Bob may be able to answer that one better, and Tyson would surely know. I am a programmer also, and I just don't see how you could do it on the fly and still be fair. BTW, I also assume that there is another, seperate program that does this and loads the databases. Since ABE stands for Artificial Baseball Engine it would make more sense to have ABE only run the games. This would also allow changes to other parts of the game as a whole not to affect ABE and vice versa. Just my guess!November 26, 2002 at 07:24PM View BBCode
Right, this would fall under the best available catagory, or best infeilder catagory.December 04, 2002 at 09:38PM View BBCode
would having a live draft be something that is a possibliity? I think that would be the best solution. Althought i do not know how hard that would beDecember 05, 2002 at 05:15AM View BBCode
i sure wouldn't want to try to coordinate one, or deal with the people who couldn't get on-line at the time.December 05, 2002 at 04:30PM View BBCode
To make a live draft fair, five rounds could take as long as five days, if not more. But, I just had an idea. What if the draft happened in the later/middle months, when the season starts getting old for some teams? That could keep them interested. Especially if you could research the players before the draft. Even with this though, there should still be a way to set preferences to draft automatically for someone who doesn't have time to do the research, or just doesn't want to. Also, there might be some sort of deadline that could be implemented that says, "If you don't draft in X amount of hours, you pick automatically reverts to your preferences." This would also line Sim Dynasty up more with MLB, whose amateur draft takes place in June (or was it July?). Though that is probably more because it is after school gets out, than because the season starts to get boring.December 05, 2002 at 06:33PM View BBCode
One thing that is good about the amateur draft taking place after the offseason runs is that it gives you a better look at the team you now have.December 06, 2002 at 01:37AM View BBCode
well brad, i that's a pretty innovative idea. while i think doing research on an initial draft would be a real pain and probably put a lot of people off, doing amatuer drafts this way makes a lot of sense. as you pointed out though, it would be tough on new owners and, as tysok said off-season surpises could leave you flat-footed, although i can't see waiting until a guy retires to pick up a replacement. certainly having more control of the draft would help all the owners out, especially those trying to rebuild.December 06, 2002 at 04:25PM View BBCode
khkurat, I would disagree with you and agree with tysok about the importance of the draft, because what I think he is trying to say is that the draft works pretty well right now, and that there are other things that should be fixed first. That's why it's cool to have a message board like this, so that the players (ermm... owners), can discuss possible improvements for the game and voice their opinion about how important each of them think that each one is. Then Tyson can decide to take all of the information and decide what to work on.December 06, 2002 at 05:21PM View BBCode
I agree that the draft is an important factor in the game. But trying to "fix" the draft isn't all that important *right now*. Jer is right, it works rather well now, while a lot of other things have more "pressing" problems.December 06, 2002 at 09:30PM View BBCode
Ahhhmm, well, I started this whole mess and I think its kinda funny that it has come full circle. From the start, I said that I thought the draft worked pretty well and that it didn't need "fixing"...just a way to make it more "involving" for the player. Scouting players available to draft was one and creating a "wish list" to draft from was another.December 26, 2002 at 09:18PM View BBCode
Actually, I would like to find a way for us to do live drafting. Gives the manager all the control he needs to draft the kind of team he wants.December 26, 2002 at 09:47PM View BBCode
What would be fairly easy to do is set up draft preferences just like we do now. Then , a couple of days before the actual draft, the players are generated and a default draft order for your team is set up based on those preferences. Then, you could go in and tinker with the preferred draft order yourself.Pages: 1