April 30, 2004 at 10:36PM View BBCode
And it burns!!! Hmm, I sprained my back so the doctor put me on all sorts of medicine...So I'm sitting here completely out of it on muscle relaxors and pain killers. I feel like Ozzy :lol: . Hehe, I just called my girlfriend and told her I feel God and he loves me, despite the fact that I'm Agnostic. Oh man, I really don't like being on meds...it's making me a bit crazy. I don't feel good...I just feel God and it's scaring me. Whenever I close my eyes I see light and feel like I'm floating into it. I wonder if there is baseball in the afterlife(if there is one).April 30, 2004 at 10:39PM View BBCode
My cousin got in a really bad car accident, and she was getting morphine. That's kind of scary.May 01, 2004 at 07:15AM View BBCode
I'd give you the award if I had it on me or knew who to give it to and decided to give it to you anyway, but what the hell...May 01, 2004 at 09:52AM View BBCode
jojo, I hope your cousin is ok.May 01, 2004 at 05:35PM View BBCode
Ouch Everyone Please Get Well!May 01, 2004 at 10:45PM View BBCode
Morphine is fun, though I took it when I wasn't injured. Definately a disappointment though, I was expected to get completely trashed but didn't. For an opiate it sure did allow me to think well. You need a lot to experience the true power of morphine. My friend got in a dirt bike accident and was on morphine and he kept mumbling a bunch of nonsense. Then again he was loaded up on it.May 02, 2004 at 07:51AM View BBCode
after my 1st back op they almost overdosed me on morphine. Imagine being just awake enough to think you wanted to listen to some music, putting Guns N'Roses Use your Illusion (I think it was 2) on and then drifting in and out of a weird state for the next god knows how many hours. I would see all these nurses and people in my room, then I'd open my eyes and they'd all be gone. Fucking weird...then when they stopped giving it to me I ended up curled up in a ball on a corner of the bed, which is where my Mom found me. NOT good for recovering from spinal surgery, believe me! Probably one of the main reasons I needed a 2nd one!May 02, 2004 at 12:01PM View BBCode
Yeah Morphine is dangerously addictive. I had a mild OD last night from my painkillers. I threw up all night. So now I'm done taking my meds, I dont care how much pain I'm in. I don't want that to happen againMay 02, 2004 at 04:06PM View BBCode
well, this definatly doesnt compare with Ignite when it comes to off topic posts.Pages: 1