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Availability of Results/Schedule Beyond 9pm EST

July 11, 2012 at 05:55AM View BBCode

I'd like to see a season's Results stay available for at least a day or two after the World Series ends, for a variety of reasons, the foremost of which is being able to watch the final World Series games in Dynasty Vision.

Here's a case in point:

Today, my team in the Cesar Cedeno League was playing in the World Series. Living on the West Coast, I took advantage of a flexible work schedule and watched the first three games from home before departing. My team (the NY Highlanders) won game 1 on the road, and game 3 at home, going up 2-1.

I wanted to fully enjoy the remaining games, so I didn't sneak a peek during work today. I then joined a friend in watching the All Star game after work. We had a bite to eat, and I headed home, arriving about 8:45. After a couple of household chores, I sat down to watch the rest of the World Series, looking forward to the results. Unfortunately, it was now 9:25 PDT, and the games were no longer available for viewing under RESULTS. The only way I could access them was under PAST PLAYOFFS, which, of course, showed the full results and that I had won the series in six, with scores in the last three games of 0-4, 8-7, and 5-4.

While that was great news, it was anti-climatic compared to watching them in dynasty vision, as I was looking forward to doing, and especially given how close the final two wins were.

Anyway, it seems like a minor tweak to keep the RESULTS feature up longer; at least 24 hours.

[Edited on 7-11-2012 by LTJaeger]

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