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Fair Trade Proposal

January 30, 2003 at 04:50PM View BBCode

I think it would be cool to program the system to automatically calculate players worth in trade proposals to prevent lopsided trades.

For example, a team in last place that is dumping heavy hitters to a team in first place who in exchange deals only minor leaguers or C- players. The system would automatically kick it out and ask the trade to include or exclude another player.

Every player is weighted in the formula taking in account present stats, overall grade and age. The system would kick back trades if the variance is over a predermined amount.

I think with this enhamncent, there could be 1)shorter learning curve for newbies in trading.
2) overall increase in trading
3) less complaints from players reporting suspected cheating.


January 30, 2003 at 05:48PM View BBCode

I would disagree with this, simply because I think that owners do a good job of "policing" their leagues for outrageously lopsided trades. Also, who is to say what the overall value is of a player? Different owners may be looking for different things in their players. One owner might value speed and contact, and another might value power and fielding. Also, it would be hard to program when for when a team trades away its young future stars for aging veterans and current stars to make a run for the pennant. (Which is a completely legit move to make, giving up the future for the present.)

January 30, 2003 at 06:40PM View BBCode

You have a good point, although I have to admit I am not involved in a Beta or a Dynasty league. I would have to assume the level of "common sense" in trades reaches a different level in those kinds of leagues.

I still think there should be some kind of bench mark to judge fair trades. If anyone has their own methods I would love to hear them .

Go Twins!!:P

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