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explain to me

September 01, 2014 at 02:34PM View BBCode

Lately, Ive heard a couple people talk about penalties or bonuses for picking the correct plays.

I did not know this exist.
I didn't read it in the rulebook.

What EXACTLY are these penalties/bonuses?

And provide me a chart of showing all of these bonuses/penalties in detail.

I don't understand how some people have a knowledge of certain things but you'd never find this information in the rulebook. This is like taking a Statistics exam and the professor gave half the class a Z table; and the other half weren't told a Z table existed.

I'm not looking for a debate here

I simply want a chart showing everything

[Edited on 9-1-2014 by gannable]

September 01, 2014 at 02:38PM View BBCode

Who's talking about it? I have never heard anything about penalty/bonuses.

September 01, 2014 at 02:39PM View BBCode

and what is this concept of lining up opposing DL's or OL's and comparing the ratings, and then the algorithm creates some sort of result.

what variables are being created?

Explain, exactly how the results of these plays are being decided

I need a detailed answer

September 01, 2014 at 02:42PM View BBCode

The following is an excerpt from a thread where people were telling me I was incorrect about all my thoughts on this game.

"""he part that applies to play calling is that everything is skewed based on he play you call. thank of a chart like this

Run middle O/run middle D - big advantage D (D+5)
Run middle O/balanced run d - small advantage D (D +1)
Run Middle O/outside run D - small advantage O (O+1) ?
Run Middle O/ Pass D - Big advantage O (O +5)"""

Then, somebody sent me a PM and mentioned something along the lines of a penalty if you incorrectly guess the running play - in other words, you lay RUN COVER MIDDLE but the play is to the outside

so, that's two different parties in two different leagues saying the same thing

September 01, 2014 at 02:44PM View BBCode

and for the record, i appreciated both of those comments because it provided me with something concrete, and i can logically apply it.

September 01, 2014 at 02:49PM View BBCode

and if guessing the correct play means a +1, +2, +3, whatever

then what is this +1 being added to? and what is the significance of this number that now has a +1?

and what are the variables that creates that number in the first place? What is being compared to what?

September 01, 2014 at 02:58PM View BBCode

What you're asking for doesn't exist. We don't get to see the inner workings of the game. Nor should we. There's no reason we should have "the secret to success" handed to us on a silver platter. WhT would be the point in playing then?

Obviously if your players are focusing on a middle run they will be less effective against a toss play or a downfield pass. That's common sense. But how much less effective would depend on so many variables that laying it out in a chart like that is impossible.

The game guide has a wealth of information. But so do the message board threads. People who read both will have more accurTe information. More in=more out.

September 01, 2014 at 03:04PM View BBCode

Not looking for snarky comments

looking for infomation

Originally posted by dirtdevil
What you're asking for doesn't exist. We don't get to see the inner workings of the game. Nor should we. There's no reason we should have "the secret to success" handed to us on a silver platter. WhT would be the point in playing then?

Obviously if your players are focusing on a middle run they will be less effective against a toss play or a downfield pass. That's common sense. But how much less effective would depend on so many variables that laying it out in a chart like that is impossible.

The game guide has a wealth of information. But so do the message board threads. People who read both will have more accurTe information. More in=more out.

September 01, 2014 at 03:05PM View BBCode

I haven't made any snarky comments. I'm trying to explain to you why what you're asking for isn't available.

September 01, 2014 at 03:12PM View BBCode

but then you add the commentary about common sense - veiled insults, patronizing tone

i was looking for insight

if you had nothing to add then simply say "i dont believe this information exists"; instead of adding a diatribe.

September 01, 2014 at 05:25PM View formatted

You are viewing the raw post code; this allows you to copy a message with BBCode formatting intact.
There are no insults, veiled or otherwise, nor is there any patronizing element. I think you're maybe trying to take issue with what I'm saying for reasons other than what has been actually said.

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