December 29, 2015 at 10:07AM View BBCode
As a ouwner in this league, or what ever league im am apart of in Sim Dy. Changes must acure. Like inter league play in rail life. The way i see it if you are going to trade players from the other league then you should play esach other. Thats how the real world works in real life get with it Dim dy. Make inter League a reality.December 31, 2015 at 02:12AM View BBCode
U need to take this up with Baseball Enhancements in SD Support to even consider change. Plus, with so many leagues outside the WBL, will be very difficult to achieve. All in all, it is what it is ... a complex game that one must be patience (as well as witty) to be successful.December 31, 2015 at 02:35AM View BBCode
We have been asking for this for over a decade. They say they can't code it. It's a common request.Pages: 1