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Despite all dis controversy......COMPTON wuz offaed dis trade.....

September 06, 2017 at 08:54PM View BBCode

COMPTON will certainly b vindicated wit all da visceral nonsense bout since it will a b but a certainty dat COMPTON will remain az COMPTON haz dun nuthin wrong otha than submit offaz dat yall dont approve of COMPTON wood like 2 display da offa from oneofthree submitted since COMPTON haz been unfairly profiled COMPTON will prolly neva git anythin like a fair shake wit anythin.......howeva COMPTON wood give thought 2 acceptin dis trade an haz copied da parametaz belo.........2 b clear COMPTON doez not correspond wit oneofthree dont think COMPTON eva haz otha than da same correspondence COMPTON doez wit yall regardin "are yall intraested in tradin so an so" an honestly dat wuz done in earl averill COMPTON iz pretty take a look az COMPTON wood b inclined 2 accept it if itz league acceptable........b clear COMPTON haz heard nuthin from oneofthree COMPTON dont no hiz motivez but guessez dat fo those who wonda why dint respond dat COMPTON iz guessin he'z lookin at all dis stated befo..........COMPTON carez only bout winnin an since COMPTON iz anvilled 2 dis league fo anotha 2 seazonz an COMPTON knowz dat they aint no colluzion.........COMPTON mite az well play along an ask pleaze 2 da augusta also b clear...........dis haz all but reminded COMPTON dat dis iz juss a game an prolly takez up 2 much time az it iz even witout da drama.........COMPTON can ignore certain thangz but if COMPTON aint even allowed 2 play witout askin "da majority" da COMPTON likez itz time 2 play out what COMPTON haz left hard an git out........COMPTON haz said it befo but frankly COMPTON liked da game..........yall will git yo best from COMPTON in da time left.............feel free 2 respond az yall do when itz negative drama $hit so hopefully yall will come at dis wit sum class (at least da good ownaz)............COMPTON

Accept Decline Advice | Read | Proposed by the Toronto ThunderRats to the Seattle CoMpToNz PiLoTz on 09-28-2039
Action Player Pos Tot Age Ldr Hlth Arm Rng Spd CvR PvR CvL PvL End Vel Ctrl From To
Trade Kirby Puckett OF B+ 27 -- C+ B+ B A- A B A B -- -- -- SEA TOR
Trade Fransisco Liriano RP B+ 29 A+ D- B+ C+ B D D+ D- D- C+ A- B SEA TOR
Trade Wade Miller SP B+ 26 -- B+ A- D+ B D- D- D- D- B- A- B- SEA TOR
Trade Draft Pick 2041 Rd: 2 (SEA) SEA TOR
Acquire Tony Harper CF/RF B 34 B- D+ B- B+ A C+ A C+ B+ -- -- -- TOR SEA
Acquire Johnny White RP B+ 30 D- C- A+ C- C- F D- D- F D A+ C+ TOR SEA
Acquire Draft Pick 2040 Rd: 3 (MON) TOR SEA
Acquire Draft Pick 2041 Rd: 1 (TOR) TOR SEA
Demote Craig Pugh SS B- 26 -- A C A- A- B+ D+ B D+ -- -- -- TOR TOR
Demote Rusty Staub

September 06, 2017 at 10:03PM View BBCode

In my opinion, Toronto should be able to get more than that for the pick. The deal that was reversed was a much better deal.

Just saying.

September 06, 2017 at 11:38PM View BBCode

What the hell did he say??

Midwesterners don't quite understand that slang..... Would someone decipher please

September 06, 2017 at 11:56PM View BBCode

I'll help Husker....blah, blah, blah

oneofthree has offered me trades as well that make no sense...he/she is a beginner and should not be taken advantage of...if he/she offered me a trade where I knew they were losing the trade by a BIG amount I would decline it...


September 07, 2017 at 12:14AM View BBCode

An there in liez da rub.....COMPTON only lookin 2 win but COMPTON don't see how dis trade iz worse but dis wuz what COMPTON expected anyway.....y'all make an offa fo COMPTON then......COMPTON

September 07, 2017 at 02:36AM View BBCode

Once again why haven't we heard from Toronto?

September 07, 2017 at 02:55AM View BBCode

I honestly tried to read that and gave up on the first line.

If you want to be understood in a forum and have an honest discussion, you have to use the language properly or just expect no one to respect you.

September 07, 2017 at 03:22AM View BBCode

Yeah an ask Michael Bennett if he feel respect afta da merriweather Mcgregor fite.....if it ain't da wite way it ain't da rite way......y'all juss neva seem 2 git dat...... COMPTON

September 07, 2017 at 11:29AM View BBCode

Originally posted by compton10101010
Yeah an ask Michael Bennett if he feel respect afta da merriweather Mcgregor fite.....if it ain't da wite way it ain't da rite way......y'all juss neva seem 2 git dat...... COMPTON

Couldn't resist, could you? Had to play the race card.

Take it somewhere else.

September 07, 2017 at 11:39AM View BBCode

Itz all fine until COMPTON gitz insulted bout changin sumthin COMPTON don't need 2 change becuz othaz think it mo "propa"...... then COMPTON speakz truth only az da rite responze an gitz da usual..... COMPTON

September 07, 2017 at 01:07PM View BBCode


September 07, 2017 at 01:08PM View BBCode

Who the hell is Michael Bennett??

What team does he own??;)

September 07, 2017 at 02:21PM View BBCode

It does not bother me how Compton expresses himself, he has the right to be who he is. But, that is just skirting the issue, as always seems to happen.

Again, I like Compton. I once bad mouthed his writings, but since apologized. We all have the right to express ourselves as we feel necessary.

BUT, I am tired of the trade nonsense... B players over 25 do not make a championship team, not even as backups in most cases. Players on the low end of B+ at 28 years old or better can make a contribution when we have injuries, but again do not provide a winning formula when used as starters. In rare to impossible to find a trainable draft pick in rounds 4 and 5 and ONLY the most experienced owners find them. Even rd 3 is a challenge for most owners and anyone serviceable to mostly found by accident. It is pretty rare to look at the roster of a WS winner and see players described above in their lineups.

NO ONE KNOWS BETTER THAN COMPTON that the players I described do not make a quality lineup. That is why he constantly offers them in trade proposals. JUST 1 first pick is better than all the fodder offered as described above. Is it enough to win, NO, but it is a start that can be built on year by year. There is nothing to build on trading 1st round picks for fodder. If you take the time to look a Compton's trades, many of the players he offers he took from the waiver wire. It is common sense for God's sake.

[Edited on 9-7-2017 by HumYai]

September 07, 2017 at 03:21PM View BBCode

Seattle has almost exclusively players picked in the first rd.

Toronto has 2 1st rd picks on their entire ML roster and both are beyond the age of being serious considerations. Toronto has 5, at least 5 5th round picks on their ML roster. Toronto has a few old 2nd rd picks and the rest are 3rd and 4th round picks.

How anyone can say that is reasonable is beyond me. I understand trades are not always fair, but this qualifies as rape and pillage.

unfair trades are not against the rules when trying to win, but raping and pillaging is.

[Edited on 9-7-2017 by HumYai]

September 07, 2017 at 04:08PM View BBCode

memo 2 hum...........well said on thingz...........but COMPTON wondaz many an COMPTON meanz so many complain bout $hitty draftz in sim leaguez they aint no guarantee dat da pick iz worth mucha anything anyway............COMPTON really don't care how many whatevaz or 1st round pickz dat guy haz on hiz team az COMPTON only carez bout COMPTON improvement............COMPTON measurez success on winz/ example............COMPTON haz watched yall have many seazonz of hi level play which meanz 2 COMPTON yall iz great...........COMPTON don't research or care what othaz r doin unless it affectz COMPTONz plan 2 win it like COMPTOM haz said...........COMPTON iz a trada in every single league an makez offaz all da damn time wit ownaz mo likely 2 trade...........COMPTOMN fo example playz wit ccockz in a league now who iz clearly part of da augusta crowd on did site along wit pecka, deep threat an sevral da past few seazonz COMPTON haz decided not 2 trade or make offaz becuz COMPTON actually now lookz at where they come wit da ccockz example da guy whipz up a buncha drama afta tradin purposefully wit da team unda him essentially sealin a playoff spot fo da team rite above COMPTON by 1 game then turnz around an offaz COMPTON sumthin.............COMPTON turned it down becuz COMPTON aint dealin tradez wit those kinda people anymo if COMPTON lookz at where itz from.............oneofthree actually tradez an aint a @sshole in leaguez so COMPTON haz no issue dealin wit him or any1 else who iz yo case...........yall wood deal vetranz hum an COMPTON wood no 2 make offaz 2 yall based on yo preferencez...............dis iz COMPTONz view an COMPTON seez yo view az well.................COMPTON

September 07, 2017 at 04:23PM View BBCode

I don't even read your posts COMPTON.... Because I need an interpreter...... If we are truly trying to figure out what's going on with the trades everyone needs to reply in PLAIN English so they can be understood....... This is just ridiculous

September 07, 2017 at 06:31PM View BBCode

Well since it dint say memo 2 husker then don't worry bout it....itz clear y'all not gittin da significance of ur izmz anyhow.....COMPTON

September 07, 2017 at 07:16PM View BBCode

What the hell is an IZMZ

September 07, 2017 at 07:16PM View BBCode

yall juss proved what it iz.............COMPTON

September 07, 2017 at 07:22PM View BBCode

Im done trying to decipher whats being posted, im totally confused...... i dont want anyone being angry, i truly cannot figure out what the hell is being said

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