September 08, 2017 at 08:38PM View BBCode
"No matter - we all know that draft order is the power of the Commish."September 08, 2017 at 09:13PM View BBCode
I disagreeSeptember 08, 2017 at 09:36PM View BBCode
Michael1, my posts may have been harsh and I apologize for that. Maze has shown numerous times that he thinks it's one power, when in fact it is the power of 16 owners. The commissioner works for us owners and the betterment of the league.September 08, 2017 at 09:45PM View BBCode
Letting M1 back should have been grounds for removal. Nobody want it then so you can't think we are going to support removal over the last 4 picks of the draft. Honestly in reading that thread I am not even sure what the hubalu was about. Yeah the power of the commish is the draft... Whatever. He's not saying he going to manipulate it for gain or something and he put this issue to vote. It's a learning process let's let him learn and as issue come up keep calling them to everyone's attention.September 08, 2017 at 09:49PM View BBCode
b73 Chris let me back in so maybe the admin needs to go. Maze didn't have a problem with it. Just like he didn't have a problem putting your team up for sale and then taking it down when you were afraid Compton was taking it.September 08, 2017 at 11:48PM View BBCode
1. Maze is learning the ropes.Give him a chance to learn what commish is first.The next season hasn't even started yet.September 09, 2017 at 01:34AM View BBCode
He changed the rule and then afterwards brought it to a vote after a few people questioned it. Changing rules require a vote and whether they are minor changes or major changes determines the amount of votes needed for change. Any altering for the order of the Amateur Drafts is considered a Major Change. He knows this and decided to change the rule anyways stating his "power" as commissioner. The post (WBL) League Voting on 8/21 shows this different classifications of rule changes. Simply put, he overstepped his bounds as commissioner by changing the draft order and then stating that we all know he has the power to change it and the only reason it's going for a vote is for s***s and giggles.September 12, 2017 at 11:58AM View BBCode
The poll thread has been locked so I will comment in this one. The poll wound up 8-8. Now i'm sure Maze voted to keep himself in so it is telling that the other 15 owners voted 8-7 in favor of removal. Hopefully this will work as a wake up call to Maze and he will finally realize that the commissioner works for the league and doesn't have the power to arbitrarily change the rules.September 12, 2017 at 06:47PM View BBCode
Let's all just take a deep breath here.September 12, 2017 at 06:58PM View BBCode
Thank you Chris for posting and clearing up the duties of the commissioner. I apologize for some of my posts, I wasn't very tactful in the way I responded. Like you said, there are some strong personalities in here. :DPages: 1