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Barry Bonds

April 08, 2002 at 12:08AM View BBCode

Love him or hate him, how many years of high productivity do you think he has left?

April 08, 2002 at 02:17AM View BBCode

If he were typical, he should be done already at his age, obviously he's not...

My guess is, he's got 1 more really good season after this one, then he'll fade. Assuming he doesn't retire and plays until he's no longer a viable threat, I give him 5-6 more years. He'll finish his career in the AL, as a DH.

Then, hopefully, he'll go away quietly and never be heard from again, until his Hall of Fame induction, at which time he'll again make an ass of himself and we'll all remember why we didn't like him.

Dang, that last one was a long sentence, eh?

April 08, 2002 at 12:31PM View BBCode

I agree the Bonds is an ass, but he is arguably the best player of his generation. His performance last year was unreal and it was much more than just the HR. His OBA and SLG were incredible. He's certainly an ass, but he's a talented one.

As for how much time he has left, I pretty much agree with Rick. At his age (38, I think), most guys are done or on a severe downward slope. He certainly didn't show any signs of deteriorating last year though.

That being said, he's bound to start trending down soon. Of course, since he's starting from such a high point, it's conceivable he could be around another 10 years, barring injury. O.K., maybe that's stretching it a bit, but if he has the motivation, 7 years is certainly obtainable.

April 08, 2002 at 03:25PM View BBCode

I don't think he has much left. I think he'll hit a Mark McGwire type stretch where he's good, then just falls off the cliff because of injuries and old age.

I give him 2 more good years, followed by retirement or 2 more mediocre, Ricky Henderson-type years where he's just hanging on to pad his stats.

April 08, 2002 at 05:21PM View BBCode

I wasn't going to because I don't want to bore anybody, but since we're talking about Barry Bonds, I have to share...

When I was a kid and Bobby Bonds was finishing his career in St. Louis, my Dad and I saw him in a store and I asked him for his autograph. He said he didn't have time... I was 9 or 10, and I decided he was a jerk...

When Barry Bonds was first up with Pittsburgh and I was in HS, my girlfriend and I were outside Busch Stadium as the Pirates were leaving... I saw Bonds, and asked for his autograph and he said, "Sure, you got 5 dollars?"

So, in 1993 I was living in the godforsaken town of Waterloo, Iowa. Barry's little brother, Bobby Bonds Jr. was the centerfielder for the Padres Class A affiliate at the time, the Waterloo Diamonds.

No, I didn't ask for his autograph. I didn't want further confirmation that the a--hole thing was hereditary...

By the way- the Waterloo 2nd baseman that year was Blue Jays 2B Homer Bush. He hit .320 and won the Midwest League batting title that year...

Good article on Bonds' place in history

April 11, 2002 at 12:57PM View BBCode

December 15, 2003 at 06:24AM View BBCode


December 15, 2003 at 04:12PM View BBCode

Originally posted by RockNJock24

That's right! Stocks aren't a very good purchase, so bonds are much more sensible, now once the market corrects itself...
never mind.

December 15, 2003 at 08:37PM View BBCode

i htink that he has 1 or 2 more years like his last three than another 1 or 2 very good years and then he will slide to being an good but pretty average hitter like a six or seven slot guy. he will probably do that for 1 or 2 years and then i hope he will realize that he is losing it and retire. i hate it when athletes stay too long and then ur good memories of their greatness are erased by the bad years they had by holding on too long. such as emmit smith this year.

December 17, 2003 at 02:49AM View BBCode

i think he will play great like he has for the last two seasons for two more, then he will be able to play at a good quality for 1 year, and a mediocre quality for another 20. he will either retire after his good year, or after his first mediocre year

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