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Dynasty Vision - The Next Generation

June 04, 2003 at 03:20AM View BBCode

I have been toying with the idea of gutting the Dynasty Vision display and taking it in another direction. I was thinking of making it more "video-game" like where you could see actual players pitch, swing bats, run the bases, etc. Maybe even allow you to customize your team cap, and select which face a player should have. I might have a guy who can help me with this, he's done extensive character design for games like Quake (or whatever the kids are playing these days).

Any thoughts on this? Is it a ridiculous idea? This isn't something that would be done overnight - there are other more important things to be done - but I just wanted to get some feedback on the idea.

June 04, 2003 at 03:58AM View BBCode

In all honesty, its a cool idea, but I dont really think its necessary. I just picture something like Tecmo Bowl, every pitch is the same, every swing is the same...maybe as long as you could view simply the text version. I'm not meaning to take anything away from what your doing to enhance your site, just giving my honest opinion. But maybe I dont understand what your trying to say....?

June 04, 2003 at 04:38AM View BBCode

I think you understand pretty well - just an idea I had and wanted to gauge people's interest.

Its definitely an enhancement, not really fixing any existing problems - I would be going for the cool factor.

June 04, 2003 at 05:44AM View BBCode

Personally I like my Team Needs idea...I didnt see you voice your opinion on that Tyson...worth it?

June 04, 2003 at 02:49PM View BBCode

Yeah, I think that is a good enhancement idea.

June 04, 2003 at 02:53PM View BBCode

maybe not the swinging and pitching part, but maybe just a better GUI. How about something like ESPN GameCast?

I like the idea of seeing the lineup and in-game box score to the right or left at all times.

June 04, 2003 at 02:56PM View BBCode

maybe the results link to Dynasty Vision opens a new window and gives you more viewing options for the game and isn't restricted to the framework it's currently in.

June 04, 2003 at 03:46PM View BBCode

actually, maybe I did misunderstand. Something like Gamecast would be sweet, but as far as animation goes, I think the dots around the bases are enough, thats what I was getting at before.

June 04, 2003 at 04:09PM View BBCode

I like gamecast as well. It might be cool if we could design the faces, body styles, hats, etc. So when player X comes up, it shows a picture of him. Even cooler would be if the picture was baseball card style. Maybe we could have a choice of 5 or 6 pictures (a head shot, a fielding pic, a batting pic, etc.).

lol ive done came up with the idea

June 04, 2003 at 04:16PM View BBCode

June 04, 2003 at 04:20PM View BBCode

I'd vote for the GameCast idea. And I wouldn't put more priority than a number of other things. The dots on the bases and the text descriptions, all fed to you line by line, is more than enough to keep me engaged.

June 04, 2003 at 06:11PM View BBCode

Yankees1 - don't you know that once you post it on the boards it becomes my idea :D

I must of remembered that from my subconcious or something.

One of the other motives for doing something like this would be to change technologies from JavaScript to either a Java Servlet or Applet (probably the latter). This would eliminate any problems people have with seeing the play-by-play.

Maybe I would still show the dots, and use the Baseball Card idea with a head shot or something, basically copy gamecast.

I might also have an out of town scoreboard that updates the other games as they happen.

Sorry, doing a bit of dreaming. I may have a college intern for the summer who isn't a Database expert (until I train him), and something like this would be up his alley as a project somewhere down the road (and something I couldn't do very well :) )

June 04, 2003 at 06:15PM View BBCode

You're getting an intern??? Are you secretly Cosmo Kramer? What was his company called? Kramerico?

June 04, 2003 at 07:25PM View BBCode

LOL - that's what all my friends keep saying when I tell them I might be hiring an intern.

Sim Dynasty actually went official late last year, it is a subsidiary of my own corporation - My accountant still won't let me write off going to Cubs games as "research" for Sim Dynasty though.

We'll see if he accepts. I figured with all the new dynasty leagues this year I could afford the help.

June 05, 2003 at 07:58AM View BBCode

I've been trying for some time to figure out how one person can keep this whole site going without it being a fulltime job. And you can't possibly make enough money on this, although it does appear to be experiencing exponential growth.

June 05, 2003 at 01:02PM View BBCode

Personally, the animation idea doesn't appeal to me. While it would be cool, I'd much rather see development time devoted to things like revising the defensive structure or improving the statistics available. That's just my opinion, though -- I rather have steak than sizzle.

June 05, 2003 at 01:09PM View BBCode

<quote>Sorry, doing a bit of dreaming. I may have a college intern for the summer who isn't a Database expert (until I train him), and something like this would be up his alley as a project somewhere down the road (and something I couldn't do very well )</quote>
Hey, are you replacing me? :(

I already have a set of DynastyVision upgrades in the works, but I need more info embedded in the game to make it work.

The thing I would like to see most in DynastyVision is hit location. Limited overhead animation showing where the hit goes and who fields it isn't just sizzle, it's a useful tool to gauge how well the defense is working.


June 05, 2003 at 01:32PM View BBCode

Lol - nope not replacing you :) What would you like to see embedded in the Dynasty Vision stuff? Send me an email, would love to see what you have in store.

I am thinking about revamping the defensive structure and adding hit location - but this is a huge change. It is a very large enhancement, but probably one of the contenders to be done after the draft.

June 05, 2003 at 03:30PM View BBCode

Defense yes, good idea. Yes, go with that. Yes, I like it. (subliminary message):P

June 05, 2003 at 03:38PM View BBCode

Defense! Defense! Defense! As big of a project as it would be, I think revamping the defensive system would be a great addition. Just adding my enthusiastic support!

Yes Bob!

June 05, 2003 at 04:44PM View BBCode

I totaly agree with Bob. This game has serious holes that limit it's potential. I say fix the holes before adding glitz. Defense cannot take away hits (only prevent errors and make extra DP's and good throws etc...). That is a big flaw. Batting average tied to walk percentage is a big flaw. The inability of very high contact/very low power guys to bat over .270 is a flaw. Control/velocity relationship and the ranking of pitchers is a flaw. The new settings have some serious problems with pitcher effectiveness. In general I just think there are so many other things that could be done. Steak before sizzle gets my vote!

More interactive, Championship Manager like interface

June 06, 2003 at 01:45AM View BBCode

Gamecast sounds like a wonderful idea, but just managing the statistics aka CM could also really help immerse players in just the statistics part of it.

In fact I may be in a position to help out in getting such an interface fleshed out. (Gamecast-like or CM-like interface).

Take a look at Bambookit GUI as a tool in generating this interface, [url=]Bambookit[/url]. Features that are missing can easily be filled in over time.

Let me know if you are interested in a collaboration, you can always call me at 1 888 228-4KIT, ask for Lou (Louai Munajim), or email me at

More interactive, Championship Manager like interface

June 06, 2003 at 01:45AM View BBCode

Gamecast sounds like a wonderful idea, but just managing the statistics aka CM could also really help immerse players in just the statistics part of it.

In fact I may be in a position to help out in getting such an interface fleshed out. (Gamecast-like or CM-like interface).

Take a look at Bambookit GUI as a tool in generating this interface, [url=]Bambookit[/url]. Features that are missing can easily be filled in over time.

Let me know if you are interested in a collaboration, you can always call me at 1 888 228-4KIT, ask for Lou (Louai Munajim), or email me at

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