Sim Dynasty

Owner Statistics

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Act?LeagueTeamGPDLeague YearFirst YearLast YearLeague TypeWinsLossesPctSeasonsAll-StarsRookies of the YearFiremenCy Young AwardsMost Valuable Player Awards100 Loss SeasonsPlayoff AppearancesWorld Series AppearancesWorld ChampionshipsPrestige 
Not Active Bob Gibson LeagueBrooklyn9209520242095defunct65134828.574703881721221911381611898.5
Not Active John Smoltz LeagueCleveland12209320062049defunct38783250.544442191081313523117491.8
Not Active Thurman Munson LeagueLos Angeles9224820462165private103509097.53212058021163233305222141,111.3
Not Active Mike Schmidt LeagueSan Francisco12232720822090subscription862596.59195300231421109.6
Not Active Jumbo Brown LeagueBrooklyn9212319501972subscription20261700.5442364133541442172.6
Not Active Bill Veeck LeagueOakland9212320652089defunct21741877.53725103575741042220.7
Active Wilson Roberts LeagueMontreal6204320292043subscription1470800.6481498296701262277.0
Per League3896.13164.0.55243.6215.
Per Season89.472.6.5521.

*If a team is missing or the years are wrong for one of your teams, please choose Show All Teams above to find the instructions for submitting corrections.
This will also allow you to see if a missing team is truly missing, or just has the wrong years resulting in no standings records.