May 03, 2004 at 09:01PM View formatted
May 03, 2004 at 09:15PM View BBCode
Haven't watched sportscenter recently and haven't read the sports page because I've been out of work...what is going on with Pedro?May 04, 2004 at 01:22AM View BBCode
He said he won't extend his contract (which runs out at the end of this year) during the regular season. The day after he got beat up by the Rangers. He will test the free agency market after the season. It is too soon to mock him, last year he got killed by the Orioles early in the year so on May 1 his ERA was pretty high but he still had a 2.22 ERA.May 04, 2004 at 01:39AM View BBCode
Anyone that gets paid over 17 million a year and cries can just piss me offMay 04, 2004 at 02:44PM View BBCode
boo hoo pedro. lol. Oh well let him test the market, he should be come a met. I'm still pissed the Mets let Vlad get favorite player playing for my favorite team would have been heavenMay 04, 2004 at 09:00PM View BBCode
Pedro always pisses me off. I remember him last year running his mouth about Carlos Delgado's weaknesses. He said he had two. One was the up and in pitch (I think that is what he said but it was something like that) and he said the other was something that only he and Carlos knew and said that he wouldnt tell anyone it because it wasnt fair to Carlos. The other thing that he did that pissed me off was he said that Karim Garcia had no right to complain about the pitch that hit him in the ALCS because he wasnt a proven allstar like Pedro. Somehow Pedro thought he had the right to throw at Karim because he isnt as good as Pedro and because Pedro was pissed off because he gave up a run. Now he wants a new contract from Boston and is refusing to negotiate with them because they havent made an offer that he likes yet. He has been roughed up a few times so far this year. All I have to say to Pedro is, Get a spine and put up and shut up. You are already being paid way more than you deserve, all athletes are, but atleast try and earn what you are making instead of complaining about how you deserve more.May 04, 2004 at 10:33PM View BBCode
Just wait till Pedro becomes a Yankee next year, skier, and we'll see how you like him then.:lol:May 05, 2004 at 01:55AM View BBCode
(come next year)"wow pedro iz teh best playa in da world, y r u always dissing him??"May 07, 2004 at 05:09PM View BBCode
Far be it for me to defend Pedro... but, from what I understand... Pedro is not whining about money.May 07, 2004 at 08:00PM View BBCode
Read a post in Yahoo today that Manny Rameriz is willing to defer 5 mil a year so Boston can resign Pedro. Here it is as posted in Yahoos fantasyu league.May 07, 2004 at 08:58PM View BBCode
No, I dont want Pedro to be a Yankee. I have no respect for him. Also he is a liability. I still believe that Pedro is on the decline and that he is a shell of his former self. Pedro is also one arm injury from ending his career and he knows it. His shoulder is all messed up and is being held together by threads literally. He cant get the velocity that he used to have and knows that he cant reach back for it because he will damage his shoulder. He will end up pitching scared and you cant do that. Believe me you cant, Jose Contreras has and he has been hammered.Pages: 1