Sports Caption Hall of Fame?
January 14, 2011 at 04:58PM View BBCode
And to think, I typically despise the NY Post:
January 15, 2011 at 02:27AM View BBCode
Just to be clear, I'm a Jets fan, but I find the whole foot thing funny. This was from the Boston Metro this morning
Definitely funny...
January 15, 2011 at 09:50AM View formatted
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[quote] [i]Originally tweeted by [url=][b]nickmangold[/b][/url][/i]
"Wes Welker is a great player. He's really taken advantage of watching film. If we don't keep a Spy on him, he could really open the Gate"[/quote] (In response to Wes Welker making 10 or 11 references to feet during an interview.)
I know that many people are tired of it, but this trash talk between the Jets and Pats is pretty funny to me too.
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