Free Agent Bidding ideas
April 17, 2012 at 03:18PM View formatted
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I've been involved in a couple of salary leagues for a while now and there are 2 things surrounding the biding process that i would really like to see.
the first would be to have the option on the bid page to remove all bids. It could be placed at the bottom of the list next to the save bids button. This would save people having to manually go through and remove all of their bids if they want to clear all of their bids.
the second would be the ability to sort by position on the view bids page.
I know that salary leagues are not widespread but I think that these 2 changes would enhance them.
April 18, 2012 at 02:53AM View BBCode
i would too. what i'd really like to have is the ability to enter bids on the view bids screen. having to keep two windows open is a pain in the behind.
April 30, 2012 at 06:18PM View BBCode
Originally posted by dirtdevil
i would too. what i'd really like to have is the ability to enter bids on the view bids screen. having to keep two windows open is a pain in the behind.
This would be great.
Another thing I would like to see is the ability to see players listed at a position other than their primary position. I know a few seasons back I was looking for a catcher and completely missed out on one because catcher wasn't his primary position so he wasn't listed when sorting by catchers. And based on his price I'm guessing I wasn't the only one who missed this.
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