Please, please, please !!!!!!!
February 13, 2014 at 03:38AM View formatted
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Please make this happen:
February 13, 2014 at 03:41AM View BBCode
My favourite line is:
" Figgins is a speedy player capable of playing second base, third base and all over the outfield."
Actually he's not really capable of any of those things but what he's
really not capable of is hitting a MFCS baseball hard enough so that he can get to first base .
February 19, 2014 at 02:24PM View BBCode
its pretty funny that chone is still getting mileage out of this
"He also has a good track record of getting on base, as evidenced by his .349 career OBP and the career-high 101 walks he drew in 2009 while with the Angels.
he already parlayed that one year of walking (Bobby Abreu was like, "just stop swinging man. you don't even have a strike zone.") into the bloated contract he got with the Mariners. the discounted value of that now is a pie in the sky minor league deal.
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