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Carlos Lee Dealt to Rangers

July 28, 2006 at 03:37PM View BBCode

According to the Brewers will trade Carlos Lee, minor league OF Nelson Cruz, and a player to be named later to the Rangers in exchange for RP Francisco Cordero and OFs Kevin Mench and Laynce Nix.

Lee is a very good hitter, but hasn't Texas gone down this road before? It's very hard to just out-slug everybody else.

July 28, 2006 at 03:52PM View BBCode

I'm trying to remember, didn't they go down a similar road with that A-rod guy and are still paying half his salary to this day?

July 28, 2006 at 03:55PM View BBCode

You mean the same Alex Rodriguez who sucks and will never be half the man Derek Jeter is because he's not a true Yankee?

July 28, 2006 at 03:57PM View BBCode

tahts hte 1, we shold so trad taht luser.

July 28, 2006 at 04:03PM View BBCode

The Rangers must have been missing the production that Juan Gonzalez used to give them in the mid-to-late 90's, so they went out and acquired his non-union Mexican equivalent.

[Edited on 7-28-2006 by FuriousGiorge]

July 28, 2006 at 04:44PM View BBCode

Panamanian, but whatev.

This is a great deal for the Rangers. A quarter for four nickels. Whether it puts them over the top is a different question, but they don't appear to have given up a whole lot.

July 28, 2006 at 04:50PM View BBCode

Big-T Tim missed the reference.

July 28, 2006 at 06:30PM View BBCode

yah, sure did. Also missed the .340 career OBP on Mr. Lee. I understand he turned down 4y/$48mil, so MIL decided to move him.

That's a lovely string of bad decisions. MIL isn't able to overpay for him, so they trade him for a bunch of crap they can't use (unless Cordero works out) rather than taking 2 draft picks in the top 50 come next June. Now, maybe the Rangers get 2 months of Lee + 2 draft picks for 4 mediocre major leaguers - really 3 AAAA players and Cordero.

Of course, they'll probably f it up and sign him for even more money...unless my f'ing Orioles beat them to it.

July 28, 2006 at 07:35PM View formatted

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my gues would be that the Rangers would not have completed the trade unless they thought they could sign him long term. On the other hand this is the Rangers.

July 28, 2006 at 07:45PM View BBCode

I dont like this deal. Laynce Nix is going to be very good in a few years. Cordero was having a down year compared to others but I just dont see how we can trade him away and expect to win.

July 28, 2006 at 07:47PM View BBCode

Originally posted by TimSchere

Of course, they'll probably f it up and sign him for even more money...unless my f'ing Orioles beat them to it.

I get the feeling you're having a bad day....

July 28, 2006 at 07:56PM View BBCode

bad day? I guess so, no sleep.

Laynce Nix will be 26 in October, and has almost 800 MLB at bats, with a .250 OBP and 211 strikeouts (more strikeouts than hits). He should never sniff the majors again.

July 28, 2006 at 08:12PM View BBCode

I see you have never seen him play in person. He will be good in a few years.

Quote me.

July 28, 2006 at 08:14PM View BBCode


July 28, 2006 at 08:15PM View BBCode

Originally posted by youngallstar
I see you have never seen him play in person. He will be good in a few years.

ME would be proud.

July 28, 2006 at 08:22PM View BBCode

Originally posted by youngallstar
I see you have never seen him play in person. He will be good in a few years.

Quote me.

I have seen him play a few times, but I didn't realize he was this terrible. Sometimes your eyes don't see the whole story.

July 28, 2006 at 08:24PM View BBCode

. . .

July 28, 2006 at 08:30PM View BBCode

YAZ, what exactly did you see? Was it a smaller sample size than his statistics, by any chance?

July 28, 2006 at 08:35PM View BBCode

I used to go watch him play in Frisco with the Roughriders. heads and tails above everyone else on the field. I know that doesnt guarantee he will be good at the majors but from what I saw he has all the tools required to be a very good major leaguer.

July 28, 2006 at 08:40PM View BBCode

He has all the tools except the most important one: control of the strike zone, aka plate discipline. 77 strikeouts and 18 walks in the minors this year.

July 28, 2006 at 08:43PM View BBCode

I saw Todd Greene play at AA and he was a monster too. Hit about 40 home runs.

July 28, 2006 at 08:48PM View BBCode

Laynce is still young and has plenty of time to improve his bat control. Im not sure what is wrong with Cordero this year but if he ever starts playing like he used to this will be a great deal for the Brewers.

[Edited on 7-28-2006 by youngallstar]

July 28, 2006 at 09:00PM View BBCode


26 years old, 816 career AB's, .241/.278/.414. You're on your own with this one, YAZ. Nix is what he is - a mediocre player at best.

I'm not sure how to score this deal. The Rangers didn't give up a ton - Cordero is a good reliever, but he's also 31 and seems to be trending downward. The other two players are roster filler, unless the Brewers are wearing the YAZ Crazy Hat.

From the Rangers perspective, they get an outfielder who can hit a bunch of homeruns. They also get a guy with a shit OBP who will very soon be paid a lot more than he's worth. So either they plan to let him go after this season, in which case they get Senor Spielbergo for a few months at the cost of the two outfielders and the pitcher, or they get him for the next 4-5 years at the cost of those three players plus a shitload of money that could best be spent elsewhere.

July 28, 2006 at 09:13PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge

So either they plan to let him go after this season, in which case they get Senor Spielbergo for a few months at the cost of the two outfielders and the pitcher....

Plus two draft picks from the team that signs him as a free agent.

July 28, 2006 at 09:20PM View BBCode

True. And of course you and I and everyone else in the world knows that that's not what they plan to do - that they will sign him to a ludicrously big contract and 3 years from now will be telling their fans that they had to raise ticket prices because it's so hard for a small market club to compete on such a tight budget. And the best pitcher in franchise history will continue to be a 42-year-old dude with arthritis who'd already been around the league a few times.

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