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May 31, 2007 at 05:40PM View BBCode

It's really the avatar photo that's launched the firestorm over this girl. Face it, she looks incredible (and at the very least a safely-out-of-high-school 19 or 20) in that shot.

The rest, though, is not nearly so provocative:

She's clearly a pretty teenage girl, but one who still hasn't abandoned that awkward look of adolescence.

[Edited on 5-31-2007 by whiskybear]

May 31, 2007 at 05:42PM View BBCode

True. Taken out of context, Face's photo could easily be a hot, sophisticated 20 year old. But when you watch the interview video with her, you're reminded that she's a little girl still in high school, and hence the general ickyness.

May 31, 2007 at 06:02PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Not really. If the phrase "high school" often appears in the same sentence as her name, I consider that icky, even if she is 18. But hey, whatever suits you.

Can it be that I just wanted to start the conversation here, and that I don't pleasure myself to her pics on the internet, specifically the one in my avatar?

As WB said - she looks kinda normal HS-ish in the rest of her shots. It's just that the one makes her look incredible.

May 31, 2007 at 06:03PM View BBCode

and how old is the chick dancing with Oden? WB - where did you find that gem anyway?

May 31, 2007 at 06:04PM View BBCode

I'm not trying to pick on you; there are way, way creepier people posting pictures of her as we speak. I just really hope we don't have another Jenn Sterger on our hands here. If this chick shows up in Maxim, I'm giving up on civilization and going to live in a cabin in Montana.

May 31, 2007 at 06:07PM View BBCode

The Oden photo has dominated the blogosphere. It's actually the second photo that appears when one does a Google image search of "Greg Oden."

And, no, I'm not particularly taken by his conquest (her profile actually suggests a bit of the pug face).

May 31, 2007 at 06:11PM View BBCode

Oden does not look at faces. Oden has no need.

May 31, 2007 at 06:14PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
I just really hope we don't have another Jenn Sterger on our hands here.

Stokke also happens to be the best female pole vaulter in the nation at the prep level. People say Jenn Sterger's just a pair of tits.

May 31, 2007 at 06:17PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
I'm not trying to pick on you; there are way, way creepier people posting pictures of her as we speak. I just really hope we don't have another Jenn Sterger on our hands here. If this chick shows up in Maxim, I'm giving up on civilization and going to live in a cabin in Montana.

Yeah I know you aren't. I'm just saying it's in the news now, not that I have dirty affection for her.

Jenn Sterger? One of the FSU girls? At least that chick wanted the attention. This one would be much worse, since it's pretty much unsolicited.

To me - it's attention whores like that who are the reason we have a maxim. Let them get their rocks off, spend all kinds of time promoting yourself when in 3 years you will be washed up with nothing else to promote. Hopefully she'll find a guy with money who will not aim for her trampstamp and not for her eyeballs.

As for Stokke, I'm gonna have a hard time feeling for a 18 year old attractive pole vaulter from Newport, CA. Something tells me she will be more than fine.

May 31, 2007 at 06:23PM View BBCode

That's a lot of attention for someone who's 18 and still in high school, attractive or not. There were hot girls in my high school class, I'm sure there were in yours, and I doubt that any of them would have come out of this sort of crush of attention unscathed. Rumor has it that the father is already acting like he's trying to figure out a way to take advantage of the situation. Some people are born Jenn Stergers, some achieve Jenn Stergerness, and some have Jenn Stergerhood thrust upon them.

May 31, 2007 at 06:23PM View BBCode

Originally posted by whiskybear
The Oden photo has dominated the blogosphere.

Crap - that deadspin is over a year old. . . never saw that pic. Hilarious. Can't wait to hear from that chick again in a couple years when she reveals that Oden romanced her that night, he is her 3 year old's babydaddy.

[Edited on 5-31-2007 by Faceman]

May 31, 2007 at 06:27PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Some people are born Jenn Stergers, some achieve Jenn Stergerness, and some have Jenn Stergerhood thrust upon them.

These are all important distinctions to make. Stokke has received national attention because she's pretty -- and can pole-vault 13-and-a-half feet. (The national prep record is 14-2. Yes, I had to look it up.)

Sterger has received national attention (within a relatively limited audience -- not all of us read sports blogs or because she got a boob job and blew someone at Sports Illustrated. (My guess? [url=]Michael Silver[/url].)

May 31, 2007 at 06:28PM View BBCode

Oden didn't put it anywhere that could knock her up, if you know what I mean.

May 31, 2007 at 06:34PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
That's a lot of attention for someone who's 18 and still in high school, attractive or not. There were hot girls in my high school class, I'm sure there were in yours, and I doubt that any of them would have come out of this sort of crush of attention unscathed. Rumor has it that the father is already acting like he's trying to figure out a way to take advantage of the situation. Some people are born Jenn Stergers, some achieve Jenn Stergerness, and some have Jenn Stergerhood thrust upon them.

I thought I heard the dad is an attorney who is trying to protect her. . not make money. I'm sure that comes later, after feigning disgust at the world.

I prefer the ones who achieve the Jenn Stergerness. I only want to ones who have the desire.

May 31, 2007 at 06:35PM View BBCode

Originally posted by whiskybear
Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Some people are born Jenn Stergers, some achieve Jenn Stergerness, and some have Jenn Stergerhood thrust upon them.

These are all important distinctions to make. Stokke has received national attention because she's pretty -- and can pole-vault 13-and-a-half feet. (The national prep record is 14-2. Yes, I had to look it up.)

Sterger has received national attention (within a relatively limited audience -- not all of us read sports blogs or because she got a boob job and blew someone at Sports Illustrated. (My guess? [url=]Michael Silver[/url].)

The point is, the temptation will now be there for her to become Jenn Sterger - a D-level "personality", maybe pose for some non-nude skin mags, land a job writing for some awful sports mag where your picture is prominently displayed. And that wouldn't be the case if not for that picture. So I feel bad for her, mostly, and I hope she chooses not to go down that path.

May 31, 2007 at 06:40PM View BBCode

I don't know FG. That's the way the world works. If you have something people will pay money for, sell it.

For the most part, you are either 1) making money off someone, or 2) someone is making money off you.

If you are good and / or lucky, you get to choose which category you are in.

If Stokke makes money off this, shame on those who allow it, not her. I don't blame A-Rod for taking the $25MM per - I blame those who allow that to happen. Owners, fans, etc.

May 31, 2007 at 06:51PM View BBCode

That's different though. That's a skill that ARod has that's worth a lot of money - the ability to play baseball really well. I mean, if someone wanted to pay her a lot of money to pole vault (and no, not on Tyler's penis), great, good for her. But if they want to pay her to pose for their magazine in revealing clothing, that's just selling your body. Sure it's her choice, but there are so many things a person can do with their life. And becoming a D-level celebrity with spreads in every men's mag is right above being Carrottop in "things that prove you've wasted your life".

May 31, 2007 at 07:00PM View BBCode

Maybe she can pose for all those mags and use that money for Med school. . .

FG - are you telling me that if someone offered you $1MM to pose naked, you wouldn't do it? I realize Jenn Sterger probably got $20K and a facefull of milkshake, but at some point the money would be worth it, no?

And my point is that Maxim is only the medium. It wouldn't exist without horny dudes who will pool their money to see this chick naked. Don't blame Maxim, blame the dudes who buy it.

May 31, 2007 at 07:08PM View formatted

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There's nothing wrong with Maxim (if you like juvenile writing, I guess), but there's a difference between Maxim getting photos of someone like Grace Park and someone like Allison Stokke.

But Stergerhood isn't just posing in Maxim, it's embracing your fake little celebrity status and turning it into your career. It's not the posing part that turns you into a joke, it's making that your whole life that does it.

May 31, 2007 at 07:19PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
There's nothing wrong with Maxim (if you like juvenile writing, I guess), but there's a difference between Maxim getting photos of someone like Grace Park and someone like Allison Stokke.

But Stergerhood isn't just posing in Maxim, it's embracing your fake little celebrity status and turning it into your career. It's not the posing part that turns you into a joke, it's making that your whole life that does it.

Agreed. Deciding that your life should revolve around being a pinup is sad Like I said, Sterger is just killing time until she becomes a Doctors wife, has an affair with the gardener, and ends up on court tv.

I agree that if this girl has any talent, athletic or academic, that she doesn't forgo it to be a Sterger. Call me a pessimist, but I'm betting Sterger wasn't real gifted athletically or academically to begin with. Since Sterger was going out of her way to get noticed in the first place, I don't see a whole lot of similarity.

talk about trolling for attention. .

[Edited on 5-31-2007 by Faceman]

May 31, 2007 at 07:27PM View BBCode

It's not that I think Stokke wanted the attention - it's that sometimes, the attention devours you and leaves you broken, bitter and judging wet T-shirt contests in Guadalajara.

May 31, 2007 at 07:37PM View BBCode

OK - I had no idea Sterger had a mailbag on CNN/


I wonder if she even writes the answers. I'm sure the girls in penthouse forum do. .

May 31, 2007 at 08:12PM View BBCode

If you want to know why the World Wide Leader is still just that, despite the fact that they're pretty much universally loathed, there's your answer.

June 01, 2007 at 03:04AM View BBCode

If I cared I'd do a search to see who Jenn Sterger actually is but I really just don't care that much. I'd also never heard of Stokke before this discussion. Does this make me out of touch or are you guys just odd for knowing it?

June 01, 2007 at 02:37PM View BBCode

Originally posted by barterer2002
If I cared I'd do a search to see who Jenn Sterger actually is but I really just don't care that much. I'd also never heard of Stokke before this discussion. Does this make me out of touch or are you guys just odd for knowing it?

Sterger was one of the FSU cowgirls - they got alot of pub about a year and a half ago as being slutty girls at FSU games. They parlayed that into alot of internet activity.

I didn't know until yesterday, but Sterger apparently writes for CNN/SI, has a mailbag. Until then, I thought she'd already completed her 15 seconds.

Stokke - she is popping up on every message board right now because of the photograph that is my avatar.

You aren't out of touch, most of the time I don't know these either but I happened to be forwarded to them at some point.

Bart, you should scrap Schmidt and make this your avatar, to pay homage. . if you can cut it down to size anyway. .

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