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June 28, 2007 at 11:01PM View formatted

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Draft time now. My guess? The Blazers are taking Oden. No reason why, just a gut instinct...

June 28, 2007 at 11:03PM View BBCode

They told him they were.

June 28, 2007 at 11:08PM View BBCode

Why was this ever even a question, anyway? Outside of the creepy and entirely homosexual crush that Bill Simmons has on Durant, is there anyone who thinks that the Blazers should have picked him over Oden?

June 28, 2007 at 11:09PM View BBCode

There have been lots of analysts saying Durant over Oden, but they are probably just trying to appear to be ahead of the curve when no one can ever really tell if they have the next Jordan or not. Oden is the only sane choice to make with the first pick...

June 28, 2007 at 11:10PM View BBCode

Oden &
Aldridge &
Randolph &
Roy &
Jack (or Rodriguez)

June 28, 2007 at 11:31PM View BBCode

My thickly spread sarcasm aside, Oden is indeed an easy #1 pick. But it will still be fun to watch Durant play in Seattle, then play for the Oklahoma Sonics.

Speaking of which, they're talking on ESPN about the Sonics trading Ray Allen to the Celtics for the #5 pick and a couple other players. I doubt anything happens though...

June 28, 2007 at 11:37PM View BBCode

Damn, Portland took a while to call Oden's name. The less I have to hear of Stephen A. Smith, the better...

June 28, 2007 at 11:39PM View BBCode

Hilarious ESPN analysis, #871: When Stern announced that Portland was on the clock, ESPN's draft ticker offered this blurb on Portland's draft needs, straight from analyst Mark Jackson: "Needs a quality shooter."

June 28, 2007 at 11:40PM View BBCode

I need a quality shooter, are you sure they weren't talking about me?

June 28, 2007 at 11:43PM View BBCode

So it looks like that trade will go through. The Celtics get Ray Allen, and the Sonics get Sycharabacwhatever, someone else, and the #5 pick, which could be Jeff Green.

June 29, 2007 at 12:08AM View BBCode

Now it's become official. Kevin Durant and Jeff Green on the court? My pants are twitching...

Okay, stop interviewing Yi. Stu Scott has nothing else to ask about besides movies he's seen recently? Oh, he wears Sean John gear. How revealing...

June 29, 2007 at 12:27AM View BBCode

The Ray Allen trade makes me sad -- it is a virtual guarantee the Sonics are on the move. They'll build around Durant and Green -- in Las Vegas, or Oklahoma City.

[Edited on 6-29-2007 by whiskybear]

June 29, 2007 at 12:32AM View BBCode

Black people don't go to Boston unless they have to.

June 29, 2007 at 12:33AM View BBCode

Bill Simmons is probably ready to puke.

June 29, 2007 at 12:38AM View BBCode

They didn't give up anything of value other than the pick, which wouldn't have done them much good anyway. It was either this or take Yi, trade Pierce and tank some more. At least the Celtics can sneak into the playoffs and get bounced in the first round now.

June 29, 2007 at 12:40AM View BBCode

Yes, because Ray Allen and Paul Pierce are going to vault the Celts to the promised land.

Bill Simmons is probably ready to puke.

More likely, he's too busy coming up with some pop culture reference to Allen and Green...

June 29, 2007 at 12:43AM View BBCode

Imagine if they can flip Al Jefferson for something good though. The Celts have a wild hair up their asses that they're going to compete this year, and they still have Al Jefferson as a trading chip.

June 29, 2007 at 12:43AM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
They didn't give up anything of value other than the pick, which wouldn't have done them much good anyway. It was either this or take Yi, trade Pierce and tank some more. At least the Celtics can sneak into the playoffs and get bounced in the first round now.

Given that the Celtics were at one time involved in talks to acquire Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen must be a tremendous let-down. Or they could have taken Brewer or Brandan Wright. Or Yi, why the hell not?

June 29, 2007 at 12:46AM View BBCode

Because Boston doesn't like black people. The KG deal was DOA, Shawn Marion doesn't want to play there. I'm not saying that this is what I would have done, but given their desire to compete this year, they could've done worse. Maybe Simmons will have a shit-fit over this, but the instant they didn't get the #1 or #2 pick (thank you, karma), their draft pick became virtually worthless as far as they were concerned.

June 29, 2007 at 12:47AM View BBCode

I must be honest, I've never been crazy about Allen. He's a good player, sure, but is getting older, and I'd rather see the Sonics build around a young nucleus to bring the fan base back, instead of riding their veterans into the ground, which is what they've been doing the past couple years...

June 29, 2007 at 12:51AM View BBCode

It was a no-brainer for the Sonics. No reason to keep carrying Allen's fairly heinous contract when you're building around Durant.

June 29, 2007 at 12:53AM View BBCode

Ray Allen is a sensational player (and will be to Paul Pierce what he was to Rashard Lewis -- although it's actually the other way around).

He's also, as you said, old. He's like 53. Trading for Ray Allen ensures the Celtics a first-round playoff exit in 2008 and 2009, followed by another prolonged drought. Boston needed to look to build with this draft pick, and Ainge chose to go a different direction because he knows his job is on the line. This is a bad move for the Celtics, and even a teabag like Simmons has to know that.

June 29, 2007 at 12:53AM View BBCode

Agreed. People would rather pay to watch Durant and Green next year, not Allen and Rashard Lewis.

June 29, 2007 at 12:57AM View BBCode

No one -- not even his family (comp. tickets) -- will pay to see Jeff Green, Taurean Green, Shawn Green, or motherfucking Red Green in Seattle next year. People will come for Durant. If Bennett wanted to stay in Seattle, he'd keep Allen around, knowing that a core of Durant, Allen, Ridnour/Watson, Wilcox and Collison would get Seattle into the playoffs this year. Instead, the Sonics are trading wins today for wins tomorrow -- which tells me they're definitely ready to leave town.

June 29, 2007 at 12:59AM View BBCode

Not sure what that has to do with the Celtics.

The Celts had two options. They could make the pick, keep the player and put that team on the floor. But that team includes Paul Pierce and Al Jefferson, which probably gets you 25-30 wins. Not bad enough to land a good lottery pick, not good enough to be in the playoffs. Or they could trade the pick for a player to help them now. 35-40 wins, get into the playoffs, take your chances in the East. As long as the Celts weren't planning to deal Pierce, and that was never an option, what the hell was the point of taking some crapshoot player from this draft? Too much of a chance to get a bust, fuck around in the 30 win range for the next couple of years and then have to start all over once again. This is a potential 40 win team right now. That's not terrible in the Eastern Conference.

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