Items for discussion
November 18, 2011 at 02:08AM View BBCode
OK here's where we are. We have a number of players who have been in salary leagues before and some that are new that bring different perspectives. I would say that its a good opportunity for us as a league to discuss a variety of items to see if we would like to do things differently.
With that in mind I'm going to propose the following. Over the next week, lets gather here in this thread a list of topics that we'd like to discuss. I'll organize them as we Americans come back from Thanksgiving next week I'll start some different threads to discuss each of them.
On a practical note, we're probably going to have to implement any and all ideas on a manual basis as I'm fairly certain that Tyson isn't going to automate things for salaries for the foreseeable future (he's done a lot and has commented he wants to put in time on all leagues, not just the salary leagues).
I would like to say that No topic is out of bounds. If you think its something to look at lets look at it, even if we did it before.
We're also going to keep our discussions positive. We're not going to ridicule anyone's suggestion or say its already been discussed. We'll put them all up in posts and those that don't warrant further discussion at this point will generally just be ignored. I'm not going to push any agendas here, lets all keep an open mind and see if we can make the KBL the next step in salary leagues rather than just another one.
So on the docket:
1. Prestige and how it is calculated
2. Bonus for last team played for
3. Revamping the bidding process
4. Raises for under OS28 players.
5. Shortening the Off Season
6. Arbitration
7. Releasing players under OS28 and how it is applied to the cap
8. Teams re-signing their own players/Right to match
9. buying out FA contracts
[Edited on 11-18-2011 by barterer2002]
[Edited on 11-18-2011 by barterer2002]
[Edited on 11-18-2011 by barterer2002]
November 18, 2011 at 03:50AM View BBCode
Thanks Bart for taking the time to organize the topics that have been discussed to improve the game and putting them into a positive discussion that will hopefully prove to be beneficial to all current and future SimD owners.
I have two topics I'd like to see discussed that I think will farther enhance the SimD experience:
1) Shortening the OS. I really do not care how it is done, but if your team does not make the playoffs, 7 days pass before your team plays its next game. IMO, that's too long. Lots of ways to shorten the OS, so I hope we can come up with something. For starters; how about 12 hours in between FA signings rather than 24 hours? Do we really need a day off between the end of FA and the start of the new season? Is it possible to have the League Championship Series and the WS on the same day?
2) Arbitration. Again, several ways to do it and I think it could also aid in freeing up salary, help owners manage their cap, and provide a more realistic experience as to what a MLB GM does during the OS. I think it would work best if players were arbitration eligible their OS ages 26-30. Have ABE assigns a $ amount to eligible players based on performance and ratings. Team owners simple choose to accept or decline to pay the player that amount provided by ABE. If the owner declines, the player is a FA. I think this will permit greater flexibility in getting under the cap and allow owners to maintain control over there young players that they have developed, two years longer, before they become FA. Which is fair and there will still be plenty of FAs and player movement.
[Edited on 11-18-2011 by Underdog1629]
November 18, 2011 at 02:32PM View BBCode
Another topic you may add is releasing under oS28 players and how it is applied to the cap
Also IMO when an under OS 28 player spends the majority of a season on the WW his salary should be dropped
As for Underdog I can see his POV and the Off day is needed to give you time to release under OS 28 players and make trades, however one less day isn't going to make or break it
Just to quote on #2
I really do not see a need for a bonus, however maybe the first day of the FA period can be designed to allow teams to resign their own players
November 18, 2011 at 06:22PM View BBCode
I'm will weigh in on what's here first and then add my idea for discussion:
1. I think there needs to be some sort of prestige to reward the more successful teams by having players want to come play for them - in real life people take less money to go to a winner or go to the winner instead of the also ran if the money is the same. I really don't understand how the presitge bonus is calculated but would be open to discuss changing it if that is possible. I have said in the past that i think it is a bit high making it harder on rebuilding teams or more for new owners coming in (who let's face it usually take over the bad teams)
2. I think there needs to be some method for teams to have an advantage and resign their own players but feel the leadership bonus is flawed - for example in the AML I just traded away this guy as he turned 28, he played from June on in Minny after playing for me for 4+ years but Minny gets the leadership bonus. As I have said be fore I would probably favour some sort of right to match system where teams could match the winning bid. We would probably need to limit how often you can match but it might police because of the hard cap anyway (not sure)
3. revampign the bid process - I am okay with the status quo here but would listen to other ideas - I really don't like Underdog's idea to do bids every 12 hours as I mainly am able to adjust bids, etc in the evening after the kids are in bed and this would not be condusive to that.
4. under 28 salaries - I find that the pay increases for the under 28 guys are too steep for the usual under 28 guys and maybe not enough for the studs (although since we usually lose them anyway I'm not sure they need to escalate too much). I think the increases needs to be more closely linked to performance: for example I once had a catcher who hit .211 and lost his starting job get a raise of like .4-.6 million dollars. That does not seem realistic to me.
5. shortening the OS I don't have a problem with the way it is and also would not be against shortening it but feel that we need to keep the off day before the season to let people get their cap/roster issues sorted out and keep the bidding every 24 hrs so am not sure we can alter this as Tyson has told us we can't do the LCS&WS on the same day. Open to listening to other ideas though (like cutting bidding down to 3 days?)
6. Arbitration: that would be okay but I kind of see the U28 salary scale as mimicking arbitration so it's not a biggie for me and would rather see that pay scale addressed
7. releasing u28 players: I would be okay with extending the deadline to release u28 guys without penalty to later date say May 1 but not in favour of being able to do it whenever.
I would also agree with Geoff's notion that U28 guys who are on the wire for an extended duration should have their contract value lowered. not sure how we could do that because their salary is calculated using the u28 formula unless we could add a rider that says if they were on the wire for more than x days in the last season their salary gets decreased by y
November 18, 2011 at 06:31PM View BBCode
Guys, I'd rather not discuss all the possiblities yet. At this point I'd like to get the items for discussion up and then discuss them in separate threads so that we're not stepping all over the place.
November 18, 2011 at 06:32PM View BBCode
okay now for my ideas:
as I said above I would be interested in talking about some sort of right to match for teams to match the winning bid to keep their own players. I think we may need to limit how often we can do it (maybe once a year) but as i noted above we may not have to given the hard cap.
It may be wise to say that you can only do it on a players 1st FA contract or only on guys under 30 or something like that (as if we went to the 1st contract everyone would be offering 1 year deals to everyone else's players)
I think we would say that for an owner to match the bid he would have to be one of the bidders on the player.
my other idea is to talk about buying out FA contracts: We are able to do this in the AML by stating on the boards before the FA period starts that we are buying out player X. There the contract is bought out either in full as a lump sum or by paying the yearly value of the contract over the life of the contract (i.e. if Player X is on a 5 year 5 million/year deal you could pay 25 mil in 1 year or the 5 mil for each year). I would propose also adding the option to pay 1/2 of the yearly dollar value of twice the length of the contract (that would be 2.5 mil for 10 years in the example above). Once player X is bought out he goes into the FA pool and become a free agent
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